
That kind of annoys me. I understand the reasons for it, but I think it's a shame we lost the use of the word Oriental. It's a delightfully lyrical word.

Run two accounts.

If all it gives him is a title, he could be hoping for a magical world of adventure, and a clever little story about a forgotten password and the quest to the land of the unicorns to find his security answers. What he got was a screenshot. I can understand the disappointment.

Sneaky hint for you.

Now playing

I just wish they'd pick a side and stick to it.

Don't worry about it. Some people can be entertained by pieces of string. That's the audience for this. Best not to worry about the fact that these people have somehow found their way to positions of pseudo-authority.

As someone who once went to Paris on my hols while holding a banana, I loled.

"Looksist"? Christ, stop making up words.

I think it's because the entire part of the world that doesn't have french as its native tongue has the rather stereotyped view of the annoyed frenchman shouting sacrebleu!

You said "kids". Alternate last names. Flip a coin for who gets to go first.

Do we know the chap knew that the house building was being done in a charitable manner? If he's only seen the first two minutes, maybe all he saw was troopers doing a bit of DIY? I've seen shedloads of programmes about people doing up their houses, and they're generally tedious affairs about people doing up their own.

It's not just women.

Have you considered matching bad FFF with good FFF?

Wank half an hour before sexy time. Also, this may be an excuse.

Also, if you're prepared to stay awake after you've finished, go back to the task afterwards. You both still finish.

The best response to finding bronies, or indeed any fandom in which you really have no interest, is apathy.

I'm assuming you don't mean fingering during sex. She's probably not terribly sensitive internally. Aim your pelvis so you're grinding against her clit during penetration.

I don't need to be a chef to guess dog shit tastes awful.

I'm not convinced he's offended. I suspect he thinks it's simply lazy writing, which it is.