
How many comments did you have to read to pick out all the crazy ones?

That's the first time I've actually properly looked at it, and I can't decide whether up till now I've discounted it out of boringness of jump scares, or fear.

Man, I wish I could make a soufflé so perfect that a shout would collapse it.

Pretty sure it can, especially if you accidentally put nuts in your allergic partners meal.

Depends on who you ask, but I'd say a Profhood.

Nah, not dismissing your tone, but the concept of fandom in general. I've never really delved into it, but have read enough godawful fanfic, and seen enough crazed comments to stay well away.

Good lord, you lot have a Durham and a Norfolk? Haven't you got any inventiveness?

Huh, so the usual, "some people are mental, this crap really doesn't matter" stuff?

What, it has both male and female parts?

Honestly, if you've paid the money for it, download a pirate version. You don't have to worry about DRM, or the seller stealing it back off you, and you've already given the money you were going to.

I'm still not sure why the world seems so excited about digital textbooks. They're basically an awful idea, unless you're dealing with an arty-farty subject.

Christ, how do people think these ludicrous diets are necessary.

Must admit, that trophy collection is impressive, but I think I'd struggle morally to see some of those fantastic beasts in the wild and still manage to point a gun at them.

Christ, he looks old.

Oh god, I love Groucho. An absolutely amazing character.

If you want to get anything done, don't invade Russia in winter.

I think it's a matter of scale. Never actually saw creepshots, but I would assume it's similar to any comparable imageboard, say s on 4chan. It presumably features single images of a particular subject, with no information beyond possibly "saw in this city". It's unlikely to be associated with a particular person.

Trust me, you don't want it. The commentator is the most agonisingly asinine person ever to grace a microphone.

Bill O'Reilly ninth? Christ, America.