
I think it's getting necessary to do zombies in different places, at least for now.

Alternatively, use a handkerchief wrapped around the handles.

I think there's several hundred thousand people building these things. People are massively cheaper.

Ah, how I love thee, objective reporting.

Yes, I realised I explained myself poorly. Look for the responses further down.

Just looked at the wiki article on the crown of thorns. The method of killing it sounds like the weirdest job ever. You scuba down, and inject them. Roughly at the rate of 2 a minute. How odd would that be? And how do you mark them underwater to make sure you don't do the same one twice?

Grey goo. Unicorn's power is healing. The goo isn't sick, nor is it a poison that could be eliminated.

Ah yes. I wrote it poorly. What I meant was, because of different geographic location, nature meant for us to separate genetically. I think to eliminate different colouration altogether would require constant motion. I mean, when we first started, we didn't have differences. If the population were completely

99% effective means that 100 couples shagging once a day, or a thousand couples shagging once every 10 days, means an accidental pregnancy every day. There are seven billion people in the world. Please think a little more about statistics. (or continue trolling, I'm no longer sure if you're in a mood or just stupid).

I dunno, Jobs popping his clogs so quick was kinda surprising.

Actually, nature did want us to separate. That's kinda the point of different skin tones. We're all the result of being in different regions of the world. Nowadays, society has reached the point where we've invented sun tan cream, but nature is about what's most efficient. In some places that was whiteness.

That would only really work in places that have a proper mixed-race population, or massive population shifts.

Yes, because all black people behave the exact same way.

This massively suffered from lack of character. I might just be a grumpy old man, but I could not have cared less for the characters. I liked the meta-ness, though it was all a bit surface level, but the fact that I didn't really care if they succeeded meant it was a slog after the first twenty pages.

Still doesn't read epubs, still doesn't have touch+buttons. Not interested.

I'm of the opinion you should organise your desk organically. Use it for a few months, and if you find items are constantly in a particular place, put a container for them there permanently. If you need to keep moving things out of the way, mark out a particular working area. The best layouts are the ones you generate

"Unlike these idiots..."?

Jobs was a businessman. He was angry he was losing money. Simple.