@Dread Pirate Roberts: I'm liking it, but it's not as good as I'd hoped. I know stupid characters are standard for horror, but I'm much rather watch smart ones.
@Dread Pirate Roberts: I'm liking it, but it's not as good as I'd hoped. I know stupid characters are standard for horror, but I'm much rather watch smart ones.
@jetRink: The course of the disease is pretty well documented. It takes time to turn into a zombie, and there is a long fever stage first.
What about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? It seemed to me that had a few heroic characters needing to make sacrifices.
@Chris Braak: But we know that mirrors can melt rock. The basic physical knowledge ascribed to Archimedes is true. That gives it a lot of credence. It's unlikely that just making stuff up would get the physics right.
Wasn't "Blair Witch" found footage from a paranormal investigation?
Bioweapons are more terrifying than nukes. Nukes are mostly local; they are bad for the cities they land on, but the rest of the world is OK unless you drop enough to cause a nuclear winter. A single bioweapon release could kill everyone in the world.
@Balmut: There are 3 interpretations. The first is that the guy with the pill was merely another part of the fake memory, and the sweat a fake clue, part of the dream that makes the bulk of the film. The second is that he was real and a stooge of the bad guys (and it wasn't a dream). Then the sweat was a real clue.…
@Anekanta - Re-Socialized Killbot: "Bystander apathy" is another phrase used.
@zephyrkey: Interesting. I'd probably cheat on 0.18 questions just to see if the cheat actually worked.
@ParryLost: That's part of how some email scams work. The first stage is to get you to enter into a dialogue with them. The time you spend on that counts as an investment, and makes you more likely to invest more. The next stage is to request a small amount of money (needed to smooth some paper work). Then larger…
It's badgers you really need to watch for. We're planning a nationwide cull.
@Morgan Culp: There may have been a ladder down from the roof. We saw ladders in a previous episode (and also that zombies can't climb them). Once he'd gone, the zombies would have lost interest in breaking the door down.
A subject that fascinates me (albeit mildly). I had thought you got your intestinal flora from your immediate environs, and they'd be different in different countries.
The most important thing I have learned about clones is that if you have sex with your clone it doesn't mean you are gay. Until I discovered that, I thought it was inevitable we'd fight to the death. Now the future seems more rosy.
@rhys1882: And their brains would be wired differently. That's why it isn't really fair to punish one twin for crimes committed by the other twin.
@TheBard: Or "quark".
@TJ Seitenbach: Me too. It suddenly became like one of the inspiration videos in Donny Darko.
@corpore-metal: Probably a live model was cheaper. They would have wanted it to be pretty human-like. Would a model designed for CPR even have an ankle-bone back when this video was made?
As it happens, this was covered in the UK by a recent episode of Horizon. They used it as part of an argument in favour of synaesthesia. That is, information from one sense modifies the interpretation of information from a different sense. Another example was sound affecting the perceived texture of food. There was an…
@Arafelis: Charlie Brooker has said he used fast zombies (in Dead Set) partly for budget reason. Slow zombies are only physically threatening if you have a lot of them. Fast zombies can be threatening in much smaller groups. So you need fewer zombie actors with fast zombies. Dead Set was a cheap production.