
The study suggests that “white people are worse off than Asians, Native Americans, and Hispanics.” I wonder whether this is true when you adjust for incomes. Also, it seems odd to include Asians with Native Americans and Hispanics (though this may just be an artifact of how the data is summarized). However, it

RE: That certain races or economic levels tend to avoid seeing a doctor regularly?

British butlers were male, and the voice of digital assistants can be changed. You could also ask why digital assistants must sound “human.”

I heard a story that Face ID was having problems with Asian faces. The story was not detailed, and gave no idea of how significant the problem might be. So, it could be minor, or potentially catastrophic, if accurate (always a chance that the reporting did not get to the heart of the problem). But I don’t see this

These “improvements” are trivial to most consumers. Even passive biometrics, arguably the only truly advanced feature, is problematic and has run into a number of real-world snags.

Smart phone makers may be about to shoot themselves in the foot. There is no compelling reason for ridiculously expensive “flagship” phones that are simply incremental improvements over previous models. On top of all this, the insistence that users must upgrade every year masks the increasing problem with batteries

Jesus Christ. People keep whining about Trump being racist as if to say, “see, he’s a bad man!” This is just as stupid as the continuing whining about Trump disrespecting women, again, to emphasize what a bad man he is.

So, Rose is basically Ivanka Trump.

RE: The lightsaber duel on Starkiller base is similar, she’s just watched Finn get sliced almost in twain and reacts accordingly.

Yeh, but this kind of thing will be a hard sell for many home owners and long time renters.

The original Star Wars films were not part of my childhood. I saw and enjoyed them as a young man. There is no reason that the new films have to be part of some personal angst at saying goodbye to childhood. And as another commentor notes, “You can tell a story in the same universe, a dire and more terrifying story

I’m hoping for more and better wireless technology. For example, smartphones with batteries that last at least a week. And I would like to see more phones adapted for use in developing countries, with effective mobile solar charging, and features that offset the lack of infrastructure in some countries.

I’m not clear on how much time passed during the time that Rey and Luke were together, in relation to the attack on the Rebel ships. But even here, a couple of days and practically no lessons or training just does not seem to be plausible. But you make a fair point about Rey lifting the Jedi texts (something that I

Great article. It might be worthy of reprint when California’s legalization kicks in.

This is kind of a chicken and the egg problem. The presumption is still that cannabis is a dangerous drug with no medical benefits, which hampers research.

Rey seemed to be marking the days and expecting her parents’ return. Making her abandonment so concrete just seems capricious and cruel.

So, if the Jedi don’t matter, the Force don’t matter, and the Rebel Alliance just a bunch of chumps who buy weapons from the same arms dealers as the Empire, why should anyone give a crap about these movies?

I almost feel sorry for Smiley. He doesn’t seem to realize the trouble he is in, and how his statements undermine whatever weak defense he is offering.

Sadly, there will be think pieces in conservative journals about how to more effectively suppress the black vote.

Seven percent of Black men and 3 percent of black women thought that they were voting for Rudy Ray Moore.