
That is actually the AMC Eagle. The AMX was this guy...

First off, a JEEP “supercar” would be more like Dune buggy or the Local Motors Rally Fighter.

Realistically, “you should never meet your heroes.” and apparently that is true of your favorite villains. Seriously, Vader is a rage machine more than anything else. You do not meet him. You encounter him and be grateful you get to talk about it later. This is the case for most villains.

They have set ships on fire, and burned down houses. Not a 100% safe technology to the point it should not be concerned actually safe.

Star Trek’s mission is to inspire generations of dreamers to build a brighter future.”

Finally! A superhero HORROR movie. See? This is why the HULK never worked well on his own. You need to make it a HORROR movie.

Gasoline does not simply explode, unlike batteries apparently.

Okay, we saw this ridiculous garbage coming out of Russia before. Massive rolling bunkers upholstered with whale penis... that remind us why we should NEVER paint military vehicles like civilian auotmobiles. I guess to please and amuse the oligarchs who have nothing better to spend their technically ill-gotten gains on

Oh Look. “Tke me seriously! I’m Cussing!”

Might be cheaper than making one yourself. Lots of FOX bodies floating around out there. So if you can’t get one, all hope is not lost. I’d make mine more “Factory” than “Dakar Rally” style though.

Let me guess... you stopped reading at that point to knee jerk a response, and never bothered to 1) finish reading and 2) never gave it a read thought. I generally speak from experience and observation. You know like a scientist/engineer. Been there, done that, saw it, didn’t always live it but you don’t need to get

*I do not mean so wound like “that guy” saying this but I am being very hoenst. My favorite memory of Star Wars was the LAST time I actually enjoyed watching star wars.

Length does not denote anger. Nor does brevity denote cleverness. Brevity in itself creates more opportunities to get your comment wrong or just ignored for saying nothing at all.

Seems you need to lighten up, chump. Getting all upset about something that really does not matter. Or is it that too much of your self-worth is tied up in what others say, not even to or about you, on the internet?

Subaru was not hedged in to one 3 lanes by concrete barricades, had a 50 ton semi eating up the space, was barely going faster than the Semi in thr first place, and the Subie was on wet and ice.

True that. Texas, the state where “next door” is still a road trip.

Given the utterly runaway price of the Mustang these days. It may not be out of place to bring back a more cost conscious Probe, particularly if it is RWD, not so much power (250hp tops) and curbs WELL UNDER 3000lbs.

I liked both the 626 Coupe and the Probe (GT specifically). Put I liked the Probe GT more.

Tesla is facing something every car maker faces, every manufacturer of anything faced eventually: “Everyone who wants one has one”.

GM doesn’t discuss the C8 Corvette because they want to get it right before talking about it publicly. Problem is they are not getting it right.