
I’ll accept Milenna. Although the MKX version allows for her actually being able to talk, it looks far less “Awkward boner” than her full “shark face”.

If the law says being ICE’d out is against the law, don’t call it that just tell the cops these trucks are parked in spaces reserved for EVs to recharge and you need a recharge, You leave it up to teh Police.

Good luck, FF.

In “:some key markets”. Let me guess the UK and some corners of the EU maybe.

Try the epitome that BEVs are still boring but Teslas are not. People do not want BEVs but those that do want a Tesla.

Just go back to “Mission E” and everyone will be happy.

I would like to see that happen. Although I don’t think Disney would go for it.

Fascinating. Propaganda much?

I’m sure you are kidding, becasue Raegan comes to mine almost instantly as beeing far more direct with Russia. Trump is basically rolling over for Russia “cause money”.

The High country variant looks more like what I think Chevy was going for. Retro-future without so much of the retro, thinking of 1940s-50s Chevy trucks.

Mine was a two tone dark red and silver. Not kidding.

I’m not sure you were talking to me, but you posted your response to mine. This unless you think any discussion that includes the Mustang Camaro and Challenger as “I only care about straight line performance” which you should know these cars are more than competitive and capable road course performance vehicles, that

That has more to do with carmakers not making cool hybrids. Don’t tell me you would not buy a fast Hybrid, not entirely unlike a Porsche 918, or (I hate that name) “La Ferrari”, or McLaren P1? Let’s make that easier to grasp, as those are $1M+ cars. A Hybrid Camaro, Mustang, of Challenger thumping over 650hp, while

The XTS was supposed to be dumped eventually anyway. So no big deal there. The CT6? Luxury is tough, especially if you are going to not really put a real, constant, and consistent effort into it.

Work out the cost kinks, and make a production version of this car.

No. throwing the baby out with the bath water makes such people spoiled. As I said, I disliked the stories but I liked the designs.

Some people are so spoiled. I sorely disliked, to the point of hating, the Michael Bay movies stories, not the designs of the TRANSFORMERS. They looked like alien machines, built of alien technology eons ahead of our own, that adapted to Earth.

I like cars racing with their “national” racing colors. It makes no real difference.

I like the Martini livery. But like the Gulf livery, it is not really special to my eye anymore.