
They can do this, and pretty much anything else they want, on every type of "SmartPhone" made in the past 3-5 years. (If not longer.)

Well if anyone from the FBI is reading this, I need you to call my wife and tell her I'm serious about her night fart problem.

I'm not sure what's worse.. that we live in a police state and don't (or at least didn't) know it or the general apathy when these details get released

Now playing

It's the iPhone that's racist; he was auto-corrected into 'n*gger' when he really wanted 'nagger'.

Dat ass!

That was rough. Exactly the way Trebek's mom likes it.

I think this is awesome. Good for them! If I ever catch a hexapus, I'm gonna eat it. :)

Good to see the pirate boots survived the upgrade process.

I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?

"You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens? This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass, Larry!"

Ha. True. I will always think of him as that character. Though I just realize I misspelled it. Shouldn't have the "e" in Forman. But Eric Foreman was a character on House

A nearly identical scene occurred when Kirstie Alley was forced to do one more take before breaking for lunch.

Nope, nope, nope.

Bataconda Vs. Supiranha?

Close. Superbatnado Vs. Jokersaurus.

Kat, you missed the biggest news of the day: PACIFIC RIM IS GETTING A SEQUEL confirmed by Deltoro himself!!!

Tahir's segment at the beginning of the 2009 Trek was the best part about the goddamn movie, seriously.

Sounds like a new internet meme similar to "6 out of 10 would not bang" - "Graphics not good as Crysis 3, will not play "