
Pardon me for asking but what exactly do blacklights and stoners have in common?

Strange, I've never even heard of "Homeworld" until now.

So will the character be British?

Well I'm all for a new Deus Ex game.

I thought Hitman and Sleeping Dogs were created by Eidos WHICH Square Enix bought?

The Sun have lied to me. . .AGAIN! Especially about my horoscopes!

So does the Xbox 360 version get exlusive content too?

Hey that looks cool, looks kinda Sly Cooperish.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Yeah, the fat zombies are always the gluttonous ones, eating all other humans before anyone else could.

@deanbmmv: Huh, I still think it was a bad idea for Eidos to sell out to Square Bigots.

What? There's no National Holiday toda...

We British basically "invented" this whole holiday anyway. Why don't we celebrate it?

Oh look at that...Ghostbusters...for the PS3...

This is no laughing matter! Faecal matter, that is.

That's one buff Space Marine!

More like it ends on "July 6, 2018" in Europe.

They all look awesome.