
You know, I never understood why "dying surrounded by your loved ones" is such a goal or mark of a successful life for so many people. You'll most likely be in pain and mental anguish over your impending death, if you're even conscious at all, and you'll be surrounded by the sad, devastated faces of the people you

For some reason, the lady in the background shifting awkwardly back and forth makes this whole thing even funnier.

Really? It looks like a basic pencil case that elementary school students use. You can get those everywhere where I live. Supermarkets, bookstores, toy stores... Do you not have them in the US?

I hope Moa gets a shitload of money for this!


I know that, I'm talking about people reacting to US coverage of incidents like this. There's always a couple of assholes who show up on websites like this one or the AV Club or HuffPo or whatever to explain in the comments why something offensive isn't offensive when a (in this case) Ukrainian guy does it, because

Ethics in rape threat tweeting?

I'm surprised that no one has trotted out the tired old "cultural misunderstanding" defense yet. For some reason, every time something like this happens to a fellow European (or rather, he happened to that poor woman) and gets criticized in the US media, there's usually a wave of smug eye-rolling European apologists

Seriously! His mother (or rather, the lady who abducted him and killed his real mother) slaughtered an entire village of humans just to punish him for wanting to leave her! His brother bashed his head in and threw him into a cave full of evil magic, and then blamed him for turning into an angry smoke monster! Why the

Man In Black, Lost
He was supposed to be the big bad antagonist to his brother Jacob's mythical, all-knowing god-like figure. Unfortunately, the writers forgot to make him unlikeable, or unreasonable, or give us (me) any reason to root against him, because he made some excellent points about choice vs. destiny, whereas

The only reason I'm not dismissing your hateful drivel is because I want everyone to see what a pathetic little man you are. Enjoy your 5 seconds of infamy.


Yeah I always thought the dirty towels were a little gross, but I never even considered that they might have caused my rashes and acne, because my parents were so anal about showering and handwashing and personal hygiene in general.
I can see how they would think that it's enough to change bed sheets only once a month

Yeah, my parents. They only wash their towels when there are visible stains or discolorations on them, or when they start smelling really foul. I used to have skin rashes pretty frequently as a child because of my sensitive neurodermitis-prone skin, and it all magically stopped once I moved out and started washing my

Yup, this one has my vote. The camera on this thing is sick.

That guy has a majestic nose.

So, how's that banning going?

I think it was in one of her Mental Illness Happy Hour episodes, but I could be mistaken. I'll dig through my podcast archive and see if I can find it.
But I generally recommend any Maria Bamford interview out there, it's never a waste of time.

Reminds me of an interview with Maria Bamford on some podcast I think, where she talked about how it feels to be a 'successful' stand-up comedian.
Basically, she used to think that you put in your time for however many years it takes, then if you're lucky there's one big breakthrough event, and then you're in this

Last word fetishist.