
It’ll also shut of cruise-control. If this is a problem, then it’s a decades-old one.

You really think mechanical fault would make the top 10? You have too much faith in humans.

GOOTD! GOOTD right here!

Here are the top 10 causes of crashes, in my estimation.

I also firmly believe that “blame it on autopilot” will become a default excuse from drivers who use autopilot so that they can do things that they deem more important that paying attention, and not accept responsibility for anything that happens due to their own negligence.

Exactly. No matter how much Tesla says it’s not a driver replacement, people will continue to disregard the statement and not follow directions/act like nobody ever told them about it. It’s like the people who get out of their seats on airplanes when the fasten seat-belts lights are on.

Tesla makes that abundantly clear. This is why so many cool things aren’t offered in the U.S. Too many stupid people that can’t/won’t follow directions and have access to scumbag ambulance chasing attorneys when they suffer the inevitable consequences of their own stupidity.

I’m speculating, and I know we don’t have the full story yet, but this is a perfect example of why you should not fully rely on the autopilot and completely take your eyes off of the road and/or stop paying attention to driving. Autopilot is supposed to make driving easier, not eliminate the driver completely out of

It’s not so scary. If you’re running from police don’t drive in their direction. That’s common sense shit.

I already find this even more suspicious than most of the other cop shootings in recent years. If the guy was truly trying to evade them, then that might include heading in their general direction. But that could so easily be perceived as attempted murder, it would be hard to prove. I mean, technically anyone driving

The engineers are German. For them there’s no such thing as overthinking.

Which will never happen, and it should never happen. A car with only autopilot is an unreliable car. Instead of advocating for banning human drivers, you should be more focused on improving public transportation. Not only is it probably safer, but people won’t have to buy a fully autonomous vehicle that becomes a heap

That’s great you’re so passionate about something.

God, Alissa, you’re so pathetic I have a hard time keeping a straight face. I hope we could also ban humans writing on blogs.

But, i like to drive ...

So on a tangent, is Alissa Walker going to retract her article yesterday and advocate banning DVD players if it turns out this numbnut was watching a movie instead of paying attention to the road?

Which also begs the question, how'd the truck driver miss the car it turned left in front of? Everyone seems to be calling for Musk's head due to this accident, yet not a peep from a majority about all the distracted drivers using cellphones in non-Tesla cars.

That diagram is very helpful. I am finding it hard to believe the human driver would miss seeing the semi if he was paying attention and I can see how the sensors missed the truck if the sensor was too low to detect the trailer between the wheels.

Alissa does not let facts get in the way of her crusade against cars.

Why can’t the solution just be to educate our drivers more? I totally agree that people who have no interest in driving shouldn’t be, but as someone who grew up loving cars, taking them away from people like me because of idiots who can’t handle the responsibility is a hard pill to swallow.