There are a lot of people in that boat that were sent into Ukraine right now, note both these dopes and Russian conscripts have been fed almost nothing but lies by their leadership.
There are a lot of people in that boat that were sent into Ukraine right now, note both these dopes and Russian conscripts have been fed almost nothing but lies by their leadership.
My guess is she never really wanted this, he just wanted an excuse to build his ideal Jeep.
I refuse to fly to Orlando. I’ll fly to Tampa and drive. Sure I-4 is a horrible mess, but it isn’t a 4+ hour wait in TSA with mad children and drunk adults.
Is there anything about this whole Sovereign Citizen stuff beyond “fuck you mom, you can’t tell me what to do!”?
Either this attorney thinks everyone is an idiot who will believe this hogwash about “criminal intent” or he’s the only attorney not to have understood a single thing in first year law.
What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.
Good for Biden to leave Tesla uninvited.
Note to the guards: Suicide watch does not mean, “watch someone commit suicide.”
1st gear: the economy is shit.
There’s a new Corvette? I wish you guys would report on it appropriately, sheesh.
Any take that says the C8 is a bigger deal than the Model 3 is a bad take.
I was thinking of something a bit more ambitious than 125 mph though! Class 43s have done 143 in testing but they don’t have great acceleration and don’t suit shorter trips, even though they’re now used for them. A TGV for example has a much better power to weight ratio.
You lean uncorrected.
Leaf-sprung Land Rovers have different spring rates left-to-right to compensate for the fact that the engine sits offcentre in the frame. They were originally based on the wartime Jeep. Epic project & journey by the way!
I can’t help but think “dental records” while looking at this thing.
The bottom line is that partial self-driving cars should not be legal. Either the car should be able to drive itself, completely, with no human intervention beyond “I want to go here,” or it should not have “autopilot” features beyond cruise control.
“As a libertarian”
Libertarianism is like astrology. Something stupid people believe will make them sound smarter than they are.
I’m a Jeep fan but I have to say, I agree with the Fish Guy. It’s incredibly disrespectful to the environment and an ad like that really encourages bad behavior on the part of Jeep owners. Hunters and fishermen, who make up a large segment of the Jeep market, are (or should be) great stewards of the environment. Jeep…
The Goodwood Festival of Speed is going on right now, which means we get to watch some tasty, tasty delights race up…