
I never had a 28.8. I went from a 14.4 in 1994 straight to 56k in 1998. The difference blew me away. But then I switched to DSL in 2000 and could never go back to dialup ever again.

I saw it in the Los Angeles Times. Here's the link.

They tried to acquire the show to make a third season, but the show's actors had already moved on to other commitments and were unavailable.

He asked her to type in her name, something he wouldn't have needed to do had he already known her.

That was his first mistake. It should have been a Holiday Inn Express. See, he couldn't even get that right.

Very cool. As an avid hiker, I hope to someday trek the entire distance of the Appalachian Trail, and also the rest of the Triple Crown (Pacific Crest Trail and Continental Divide Trail). I'm moving to New York later this year, so the Appalachian Trail will be reasonably accessible to me, but it will be a while

Gah, analogy wasn't the right choice of words should say, "In this case, the argument is correct, but not because of the logical fallacy being used as a proof."

Yes, but arguing in that particular fashion does not prove the point. True, there is no relation between disasters and lunar distance. But saying there is no relation because other disasters happen when the moon isn't at its closest approach is faulty logic. It boils down to basic syllogisms. You wouldn't

Our sun is too small to go supernova. It will expand into a red giant in about five billion years, shed its outer layers in a planetary nebula, and leave behind an ever cooling white dwarf.

Calorie counting is a good first step, but changing the kinds of food you eat is just as important. Switching to a nutrient dense diet goes a long way toward successful weight loss and maintenance. I lost 80 lbs. the past year and a half by counting calories and eating much healthier that keeps me

In terms of geologic time scales, a 1,900 year margin of error is razor thin. It's only in terms of the human perspective that it seems unreasonably large. Even in terms of how long life has existed, 1,900 years is a mere blink of the eye.

500 million males. Let's assume even distribution among all age groups, which we know isn't the case, but just for the purposes of this breakdown...

Me too. My music collection is something like 500 GB (over 1,600 CDs), so having all of that available on my iPhone (for on the go) and laptop (at work) is phenomenal. Plus I can make playlists. Audiogalaxy rocks, especially for being free.

No, the number was very specific to how many Han Chinese males there are that are exactly 28 years old.

I think he meant there are 9 million 28-year-old Han Chinese males.

Lunar lava is visible to the naked eye.

Lunar "lava" is visible to the naked eye.

Yes, if that ability leads to people paying to see that guy perform that skill, and TV operators pay for the rights to broadcast the display of such skill, and advertisers pay for the opportunity to hawk their services and goods on such broadcasts, such that everyone involved makes astronomical sums of money.

It's not adultery if they're waiting for you to become single. It's the exact opposite of adultery.

Savant syndrome is not the same as autism. There are autistic savants and non-autistic savants.