
Prime members get to stream for free (at least a portion of the total catalog).

Did you just confuse Gizmodo with Engadget? Engadget is owned by AOL. Gizmodo is owned by Gawker Media.

I assume it's a typo. He correctly said Nessie earlier in the same sentence.

He said Nessie earlier in that sentence, so it must have been a typo.

Good idea, because particle physicists are so qualified to do medical research.

Yeah, back in the late 70s/early 80s when they did the Pepsi Challenge, I always picked the cup with Pepsi because it was sweeter, which I preferred back then. Now I kind of prefer the drier, less sweet taste of Coke, but I still like Pepsi quite a bit as well.

The buzzer presents another timing challenge for the human contestants. If you buzz in before the release signal, you're locked out from being able to buzz in at all. This is to prevent button mashing where everyone is just clicking right away while Alex is reading the answers and hoping they get the first buzz once

That will probably be the next step...but if they tried to do that now, Watson would be demolished and thus defeat the entire point of this exhibition, which is to show the progress made so far. We're still probably several years away from Watson being able to employ voice recognition and be competitive.

@TVGenius: Oh, I love Sun Fart. They were so good at Coachella last year.

@x219c: No, between segments as in still on air, but transitioning from one topic to another with time to kill, so they chit-chat. That kind of breezy banter has been a hallmark of the Today Show for decades. They even displayed a graphic for the audience to show them how to contact the Today Show on the Internet

@x219c: Not an off-air cut. They were just shooting the breeze in between segments, a fairly common occurrence in morning news.

@The5thElephant: As one of those 50% who made the cut, I must admit, it's kinda not so bad knowing that at worst, I'm average looking.

@Garybaldy: I don't mind product placement one bit if it's used organically within the context of the story. So say they're eating breakfast and someone pours a bowl of Brand X cereal and starts eating. And the cereal box sits there displayed prominently so you can see the brand. And it looks like the character is

I'm pretty minimalist about my organizing...I do the bare minimum I need to keep things organized such that I can actually find what I want with little trouble, but I don't go too out of my way to make extra work for myself. For example, my CD collection is pretty haphazard. I just toss in each new CD into the next

@jamjon: The image looks better because over the air broadcasts are generally uncompressed, while cable/satellite providers compress the signal for ease of transmission.

@Eric זאב Wolf: You could get a T1 line instead of connecting via phone line...but back then, you had to pay about $1,500 a month for it.

@Organized Chaos: They also had T1 (fiber optics) lines going back decades. In fact, Internet via phone came about mostly as a way to make it available cheaply to the general public. Because T1 lines were really expensive (like $1,500 a month), but most broadband these days actually exceeds T1 speeds nowadays (while

This isn't that surprising to social psychologists like me. We already have names for this kind of thing: it's a combination of pluralistic ignorance and the availability heuristic. We see all these reminders of people going out and doing stuff, so that information is highly salient and available. On top of that,

@csc3: That's what I pay for a grapefruit at Trader Joe's here in Los Angeles.

@sick_and_ashamed: The difference between Neo and the other integral systemic anomalies, as the Architect explained, is that the previous "Ones" were designed to feel emotionally attached in a very general sense, for humanity as a whole, thus making it easier to accept the sacrifice of Zion for the greater good of the