
@Yellowphant: I was a beta tester on MxO, and stuck around for much of the first year, but that game, while a lot of fun for a while, went downhill once Sony took over. I didn't like the story progression, either. It got steadily more and more silly to the point I lost all interest in the game and let my

@V: They weren't rushed through production. Filming took place in 2001-2002. Reloaded was released a year later, in May 2003. Nope, the Wachowskis had a lot of time to think this through. The only angle that was "rushed" was the whole new Oracle shell aspect, because Gloria Foster died before she could film her

@Clevererer: There's a GEICO joke to be found somewhere in there.

Don't care. Tastes good.

@Denver is too damn high: The Renaissance? Yes, that had something to do with it, but more importantly was the influx of knowledge from the scholars of Constantinople, and the books they brought with them, after it fell to the Turks in 1453. Knowledge that had been lost for a thousand years in Western Europe, but

@Hooray4Zoidberg: The Bible doesn't say the Earth is 6,000 years old. This was calculated by James Ussher, who determined that the Earth was created in 4004 B.C. by creating a timeline of Biblical events based on the Julian calendar.

@Dragorith: Tabloid refers to a specific size of periodical. In America, though, because papers like The Enquirer print in tabloid format, tabloids have colloquially come to mean "periodicals that play fast and loose with the facts."

@Daniel Galea: I think you meant relapse, not remission.

@hayhayhayyy: That's not how it works. Gills don't break down water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They breathe oxygen dissolved in the water. That's why you have to aerate fish tanks, otherwise the water becomes anoxic or hypoxic and the fish suffocate. This kind of thing happens naturally, as well.

@m57: Maybe for the iPhone 5, while Apple waits for the LTE networks to mature. That should happen in time for iPhone 6, though, so this may be a one year bridge until AT&T and Verizon are ready for the switch.

@oanda: Watson is not connected to the Internet during the match. It's not Googling the answer.

This reminds me of the Flagmod system on OkCupid.

@Kaiser-Machead: I loved 3-2-1 Contact! The Bloodhound Gang...yeah...and there was this really mind blowing (to 11-year-old me) segment about how much change would take place if you sped up time but sat in the same place for a billion years.

@vel0city: I know that. I originally had a longer comment that I edited down so it wouldn't seem long winded, about how the Baby Bells (like Bell Atlantic) handled local calls and AT&T handled long distance calls after the AT&T antitrust case (of course, this configuration ceased to exist a while ago).

I don't like slot machines. I look at it like a broken vending machine that sometimes returns your money. Nothing addicting about them at all, in my case. I prefer gambling that involves thinking and some skill, like poker...not what amounts to an electronic lotto.

@Kaiser-Machead: I'm with you...I'm perfectly content being grandfathered into my unlimited data plan on my iPhone, but I'll keep an eye on Verizon to see how well they handle things (assuming the rumors are true).

@vel0city: Verizon was formed when Bell Atlantic merged with GTE in 2000. GTE was an independent telephone carrier that competed against the Baby Bells. Verizon didn't exist prior to that merger, at least in the sense that we know them.

@silomunke: Who's in a position to say no to him? He answers to no one but himself. The fans enable him by buying everything he puts out, so there goes that bit of leverage.

@Orion126: I have one of those...lifted it during my time in the Army.