
@Agrippa: Yes, I read it, and I was correcting you about your #2 placement, not about anything else. When you put Spanish as #2, you did not qualify it as native speaking only. You simply said it was #2 most spoken, which it isn't.

@Agrippa: English is the #2 most spoken language, not Spanish. There are a billion English speakers worldwide and 500 million Spanish speakers.

@Dynastius: And crocodiles existed during the time of dinosaurs...they go back over 200 million years and have changed very little over that time. They survived whatever killed off the dinosaurs.

@AUsername: Did you mean lunar eclipse? Because they only happen when the moon is full.

@badasscat: I agree. Like how, in Dune, they have family atomics for each House.

@RaindropBebop: Yup, and one of the most interesting things is that personality differences can account for some of that variability. Extroverts, for example, are more prone to false memory, and in my thesis, I hope to show that people with high self-esteem are also more prone to false memory, as well as being more

@lazaruspryor: That's not why they do that. We never got exposed to CS often enough to gain resistance, and the enemy would not be using CS on us, anyway. They would be using actual chemical weapons. CS was meant to be a good stand-in for simulating a chemical attack during training operations.

@irishelement: Agreed. I am terrible at working out right after waking. My energy is low and I have no motivation. In the Army, I didn't benefit from morning PT because I hated doing it, so I slacked off and just went through the motions as much as I could. Once I got out and started working out on my own, I

@Curves: He's a pretty smart guy. He was a teacher before porn, and by all accounts was a very good one. He holds a master's degree. Everything I've seen of the guy where he's just being himself tells me he's a funny and thoughtful guy. As a dude, I think being friends with him would be a lot of fun.

@RaindropBebop: That's not true. When I say mundane memories, I mean things like the weekly grocery shopping trip and trivial things like that. Flashbulb memories are better (but not perfectly) remembered because they have greater salience and vividness, things that lend themselves well to encoding, and the

@RaindropBebop: Most flashbulb memories are not grossly incorrect. They are just not as perfectly accurate as once thought.

[EDIT] Never mind, image upload fail.

I already do some of this, but I'd sooner believe the tenets of the Paleo Diet, which says eat all the fruit you want. I've lost over 75 lbs. in the past year and a half doing things my way, so I don't see any reason to change. I went from 239 lbs. in June 2009 to my current weight of 164 (I'm 5'9"). Dropped from

@Apotheosis: I would be happy with just a front-facing camera for videochatting. I don't see the need to use an iPad as a regular camera when I can just use my iPhone, so a rear-facing camera would be an extraneous, but not unwelcome, luxury.

@JDickson87: The Prestige was pretty original, as well.

@Bramsey89: It's still a pretty good approximation and gives the viewer a nice overall perspective into the passage of time relative to all the dream layers. I give an A for effort.

@themightyspitz: Seriously, great comment. I love reading stuff like this. Fantastic insight.

@GRIZZZLY: Which raises an interesting question...who has more online clout, Colbert Nation or 4chan? I notice most things Colbert wants to win, his fans make it happen. I've yet to hear of 4chan foiling Colbert Nation. Maybe there's considerable overlap?

@CasualSubversive: Luminol is also used to identify blood. They swab the sample they suspect is blood and add a drop of Luminol to the swab. If it turns blue, voila! Blood.

@jchen1: Fair enough. What we think we know is always changing.