
@rick23: A glitch in the Matrix, maybe. I wonder what they changed.

@Jules Winfield: The episode of The Office you're thinking about is based on that scene from Pretty Woman.

@baquwards: I know what you mean. I've lost over 75 lbs. in the last 17 months, and it took forever for me to register any visual difference in the mirror. But well before I could see it myself, others were commenting on how much slimmer I looked.

@alucard1116: The era of the Black Death was at the tail end of the Middle Ages. The Dark Ages came about nearly a millennium earlier, as a result of the Western Roman Empire's fall (the Eastern Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire, experienced no such dark age), and the rise of Germanic barbarian kingdoms

I'm as geeky as they come, and one of the things I geek out about is proper nutrition and fitness. I meticulously track my caloric intake, caloric expenditure, macronutrient intake/ratio, etc. I use a spreadsheet to record my workout routine.

@nfields191: They'll send in a trained gerbil for the cavity search.

@Claire Buoyant: Mine do. I'm 38 and male, but I've seen hands older looking than mine on 18-year-old girls. Mine are smooth and completely free of wrinkles.

@acidrain69: I had a 1200 baud modem on my Commodore-64 when I was hitting the BBSes starting in 1989. Fun times. Oh how times have changed.

@montecarlospoker: Makes thinks you're misspelling it as jeterosexual...autocorrect is also predictive, so it's trying to finish the word for you.

I loved MySpace from 2005 until about 2007, and then the fun kind of evaporated and I used it less and less. I joined Facebook in 2006, but never really used it until 2009, and then my level of participation exploded. I expect I will eventually tire of Facebook, as well. Already I don't use it as much as I did

@sir_max: I love Germany already, having lived there as a teen. While I wouldn't go back just for a McRib, this certainly is nice to know.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: I can go to my local Food4Less in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles and buy a 20-bottle case of Mexican Coke for 20 bucks. Great deal.

@pettiblay: That's interesting...I'm a research psychologist, so I have to account for placebo effects in my experimental designs...but we never learned about nocebos in any of my research methods courses, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. But I think we just conflate the concept with

@im2fools: Some of these huge cruise ships have smokestacks that barely make it under these bridges. Mighty Ships on Discovery HD Theater showcased one instance where the QM2 barely made it under a bridge, and that was only because the captain ordered more speed, which pushed the ship down into the water. It was a

@pettiblay: For most people, perhaps. That's not true for me. I don't notice any relief from pain when taking Tylenol until about 20-30 minutes later. I don't experience the placebo effect because I'm too skeptical. I sometimes think my body actually fights the efficacy of drugs and reduces its potency because I

@CPD: She's become their utility player, the same way Darrell Hammond was 10 years ago, and Phil Hartman was 20 years ago. I like much of her work, but she is way overused, and isn't as good as Hammond and Hartman were.

Awww. I was an avid D&D player/DM when I was younger (age 13-19). My first girlfriend's name was Jessica and we started dating when I was...19...after I stopped playing D&D...

I scanned these for a while before I discerned what some of them might be. I pretty much only guessed Dunkin Donuts and speculated that Apple might be another. I can see a few others once the brand names were mentioned. I wonder if my difficulty with this task is related to my Asperger's.

@Jalen Michaels: The Clone Wars movie was kind of lame, but the series is great. Matt Lanter does an amazing job voicing Anakin, and I've really come to like Ahsoka Tano, his padawan.