
@sss888: If we colonized an extrasolar planet, we would refer to that star as the sun, relative to our stellar system, as inhabitants of that planet. We would not be calling Sol the "sun" because it would not be our sun. It would be Earth's sun, if anything.

@mrm: When I was 24, I briefly dated a 17 year old. We were both college students; she was 6 weeks from turning 18 when we met, and I was a few months past my 24th birthday. I was a senior and she was a freshman, and we lived in the same dorm. No one thought anything of it. She was very healthy and remains so to

I've thought about trying out something like voluntary homelessness.

@AgentSmithAndWesson: Same here. I picked up watching the show again after a long time away because I heard about his streak, and kept rooting him on until he finally lost, then I watched to see how well his successor would do. She didn't last very long and I stopped watching until that tournament of champions when

@GreezyG: I was gonna read this article, but then I got high.

@Hobolicious: Never criticize research based on funding. Always criticize research based on design, execution, and data analysis. Even then, with a clean design free from internal validity problems and statistically significant results, there is always the chance for a Type I or Type II error.

@madbassman39: Same here. I experienced the Northridge earthquake in 1994 and just rocked and rolled as the shaking went on and on. Then I turned on the news to see how bad it was. Boy was I surprised by all the death and destruction.

@colormist: Jupiter is not a failed star. That is an old saw that has long since been disproven. A brown dwarf is a failed star. Jupiter would have to be about 13 times more massive in order to reach that status, as well as fusing deuterium. Saturn, being even less massive, is even further away from brown dwarf

I was out in the New Mexico wilderness on an Army training mission back in 1991 and got to see the Milky Way for the first time. I could read by moonlight and see shadows cast by the moon. I loved it.

Six days is too long. I'll keep making deposits at the ATM. I have instant access to deposited funds.

@bdinger: Not if Obama is true to his word about the matter. The attorney general is supposedly not going to be making a fuss over states that have medical marijuana laws.

@Composition_C-4: 60 Minutes is a top 10 show in the ratings most weeks. To CBS, that is very relevant.

Becomes this:

So how long before this:

@Cylvre: I think RainyDayInterns was referring to the ninja reference.

@Daft.Vader: I wouldn't necessarily want to tussle with Tiger. Dude's pretty buff for a golfer. I was an infantry soldier and never had guns like that.

@Glaiel-Gamer: Ditto. I write, eat, throw, bat, golf, punch, bowl, play hockey and tennis as a lefty. I play basketball, kick, fire weapons, drive, use a computer mouse, and cut with scissors as a righty. If I try those things I do naturally as a righty with my left hand instead, I'm uncoordinated and awkward.

@92BuickLeSabre: I recommend you check out The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain to see the full explanation, or read this: [] . I don't necessarily agree 100% with the arguments, but the basic idea is that humans adapted over millions of years to what we call the Paleolithic diet, and that the past

@92BuickLeSabre: Because diet had nothing whatsoever to do with it. The short life expectancy figure was a statistical average skewed by a high infant mortality rate. Additionally, primitive medicine meant that what we consider mild injury and illness was far more deadly because of the inability to control infection.