All Feminists I've met here in New England have always been bitchy towards me. I have no problem with your message and even agree. But why do feminists feel obligated to attack men? I haven't done anything to them.

Makes you wonder. (But of course you could never tell anyone for fear they'd think you were nuts)

I remember hearing about that. I wasn't particularly active in watching story driven television at the time though.
I'd love to know the impact it had though thinking back now.

I just finished watching Heroes on Netflix. I loved the first season. Claire started to piss me off around season 3. Sylar should have stayed dead after season 1 and I loveed Hiro's story until the last season. Wtf...

Needs more "Battleship:(2012):"

When you said Yamato I assumed the joke was related to the Starcraft "Battlecruiser" unit.

Building a ship in orbit would make the ship weak. We need Earthen forces to force all the pieces together with gravity!

Mr. Rogers had me fiending for new toys.

I have to say I've really enjoyed the Mass Effect series (so far). I haven't started the third yet because I have limited time for fun but out of the first two, I'd have to say I liked the first more.
I came into Mass Effect very late. Specifically, Mass Effect 3 release date already set late. So I played through the


Just think. We (US Citizens) May one day remove our deficit and increase our capital by capturing and harvesting asteroids. With the right rock, it could take as little as one.

This is where the marijuana plants are kept.

GTA: Black Ops

I think its funny how any post related to Valve encourages people to hop up and complain about HL3. (too easy lol)

That is kind of amazing... Yeah

How would I use youtube with adblock?

Sell them to a cruise line

I like how Mos Eisley is deserted. Even in death, SWG was already dead.

Now playing

And here we see how it can be done a bit better.

Whered you get that picture of Emperor Batsteg?