As an engineer who has worked relatively hard since junior high, all I can say is: give this to me right now. I am tired of all of my hard work going to support by corrupt CEOs and my corrupt government and the people who vote them into office. I am more than willing to just "survive" and do nothing for the rest

The problem that I see is that this would never work if it is implemented for a single or group of countries, as these countries would be destroying their own economies relative to other countries (this actually sounds a lot like what is happening in North Korea right now). Before anything like this could be done, we

Typically, nobody should be reading a paper that filed to pass the test of peer review (except the reviewers).

. . .just look and see how many times a Catholic has been elected president. Catholics: 1 ; Protestant African Americans: 2. The dislike of Catholics in the US by the Protestant majority runs deeper than anybody cares to admit.

This only happens in the US, one of the very few countries where protestants outnumber Catholics.


Papal infallibility was only used once in history about 120 years ago over the question of whether Mary was transported to heaven in spirit or in body and spirit. It is reserved only for doctrinal issues. Why do people keep on bringing this papal infallibility thing up all the time?

He used to do 3-ways with L. Ron Hubbard. — not really trying to make an ad hominem argument, but it's just interesting to know.

Really! Wow. That's an interesting reference to Gnosticism. The demiurge was a sort of Satan like character who ruled over the Earth and formed a sort of barrier between humans and the true God. The point of the religion (it actually took different forms and practices varied greatly, but in general) was that you

Papal infallibility only applies to doctrinal issues — and has only been used once in the history of the Catholic church.

Yes, obviously the Protestant/Evangelical God is to puny and weak to create evolution.

What's the big deal? The liberal left-wing evangelicals and Protestant denominations, with their new ideas (I am talking about religious doctrine, not secular political ideas), have always hated the more conservative Catholic Church.

Yes, that is humorous. At 7:00 AM I scheduled a 9:00 PM conference call so that I could talk to people at my (US) companies factory in China. But I guess I don't have to attend this call as somebody who works here on the next shift will handle talking to China (NOT!). But I guess this is what they mean by handling

I went into the Kindle thing open-minded. Now it is pretty much the only thing that I read. I guess it is because it is easier to download a book off of pirate bay than it is to go to the library.

I recently read Asimov's robot series (one of those things that I wanted to read when I was a teenage back in the 70's and 80's but never got the chance to read). I was amazed at how "quaint" the future computer (and robotic) technologies seemed to be. Even the concept of "software" wasn't really in there

Yes, now that's pizza (and I am NOT from Chicago). Where here in South Florida (dominated by NY style bad pizza) can I get that. . . Please???

Or you could get some real pizza (Not New York style) and eat it with your hands.

Great! I am pleased to see that the government is stepping in to help the fossil fuel industry be more productive by helping them from loosing less methane. Finally a government project that benefits all.

No, climate change is real, and the only way to deal with it is to encourage people to move from coastal regions to higher elevation regions — by stopping all government spending along the coasts (typically more liberal areas of the country) while continuing to tax them, and then spending all the tax money on

Ummm. . . I think that it was a joke. Chill out! *lol*