
Probably because it is cheap and you would get the same kind of protection with a fancier but more expensive material.

At least here all the weight(force) acts lower point than the upward force generated by the ducted props making the whole contraption stable and almost impossible to flip over, that "hoverbike" on the other hand....

While I give props to the guy for actually building it. That design is stupid. How is it stabilized? I don't see anything that will prevent him from just flipping over as what he is doing is akin to balancing a plate with only 2 fingers.

Russian planes don't need a catapult to take off. Remember that this was originally an Ukrainian aircraft carried.

The second one wasn't that bad as pretty much everyone you encountered was after your head. But the I just felt that characters like Hermes, Apollon or even Hera didn't need to die...

Nope, everyone uses feet.

Good to hear that he is ok but could someone explain to me what's up with the bra removal? Did She think that would prevent her from being zapped or something?

The swivel wing multirole aircraft used by most NATO forces. It looks a beefier twin engined Jaguar.

I don't think there are any Tornados in the video. I saw a bunch a Mirage 2000s, a C135, and what looked like either Jaguars or Mirage F1s.

Don't they also gang rape lone female dolphins?

Now playing

I believe this would be a better video, but that's just me....

I remember watching a documentary about that on the history channel. That ship was pretty much doomed from it's inception...

So nowadays "average" is the new "ugly?

I think that this solution is more efficient since it will only cache the most accessed files on the SSD. So the files that really need to be on the SSD will be, and the rest can stay on the slower hard drive.

Actually it will if this works like the Momentus XT. With 60gb a lot more data can be cached, and I believe that this actually makes more sense than having a small SSd and a large hdd separate since not everything that you would put on your small ssd actually needs to be there.

Vapors will explode. For example if she left the container open near the flames.

So Sam basically got all the character development he received in the 1st movie completely wiped clean?

So... Too much of a good thing is bad for you?

It works fine a 3d monitors and TVs.