
Well that has always been the formula for Duke Nukem games, and I always welcome a FPS that doesn't task you with saving the world against terrorist trying to hijack ICBMs or doing the kind of things terrorists usually do.

Has anyone gotten any of the freebies?

Not through the OS. It's like a power led, it's not controlled by software and will turn on as soon as there is juice flowing to the webcam.

Have you played Persona? From what I read it's somewhat similar in that interpersonal relations have a direct effect on the gameplay.

"elephants"??? I thought those were herbivores?

The Moon ain't no Titan, it is impossible to find oil there as nothing died there and there is no hydrocarbon based atmosphere. The only thing valuable things there are probably rare earth metal, He3 and other exotic materials not found on earth.


The speed does have something to do with it, since even a little speed create a lot of kinetic energy with something that massive.

You are on the right track and that concept has already been perfected:

It's not that side mounted design is bad, it's just that the inherent design of the stack and the shuttle itself magnifies the problem. The tiles are incredibly hard and brittle so it cannot deform to absorb impacts. And the foam used on the main tank as to be there too...

I've done 400GB 4 months in a row and I'm yet to receive that letter or have my connection cut. I'm either lucky or they just don't care.

Sigh... Meanwhile I can barely clear 4B level 6 songs on DJMax on my PSP.

My 40GB YLODed on the 3.61 firmaware while playing For Answer... Might just be a coincidence....

I had the pleasure of staying at the Sofitel New York for 2 weeks and from what I saw, they do not screw around when it comes with maintenance.

But that serious research about anything nuclear won't probably happen until the general public stop freaking out when they hear the word "nucular".....

I did some quick number crunching and the value of g there is ~18m/s^2 which is a bit under twice what we have here. So everything would weigh twice as much there than it does here on earth. I'd say 2g is pretty manageable.

Airbus didn't say anything. The Figaro did. All Airbus said was the preliminary results do not point to a fault in a plane but that's all they are "preliminary."

They don't. Airbus didn't mention the pilots. The Figaro did. It's the article author that is making assumptions here, not Airbus.

Wow, chill out. That AD for the pitot has already been sent out. The Thales Pitot have issues with icing. But the ACARS might not have been the starting point of the chain of event that led to the crash. Wait for the final report before starting making baseless accusations.

That was from a "Prototype this!" episode. It looked pretty fun in movement.