
Apple derives revenue from the app sales as well as any subsequent in-app purchases so I don't think they will sit idly by while someone is trying to poach their golden goose.

I hope they are not going to pull the same thing on the mac mini and macbooks...

And PCs have been using esata and usb3 to reach hi-speed for a while. But I can still change the system drive on my macbook pro without a fuss and kick the optical drive out and also put a hard drive there. There is something wrong when your laptops are more modular than the desktops you are offering.

That waste can be reused to power a different type of nuclear reactor but the public is so against the idea of nuclear energy than new generation nuclear reactors take ages to be brought online.

Those are called static wick, they just dissipate the static charge the friction with air creates. They are not there to counter lightning. Your plane was probably taken off service to be checked out after you landed.

Yeah, it's called Pica and it is a mental disorder.

Nothing is 100% secure. And it's not even always about it skills, a lot of times quote a fair bit of social engineering is involved. And if the hacker is motivated and skilled enough no security system will block him. As no human is perfect thus no human can create perfection.

Alternate has 2 modes, the normal alternate law gives you overspeed protection, then there is abnormal alternate which is the exact same thing without that speed limiter. I forgot to explain that 2nd mode of the alternate law in my original explanation. So there is normal, alt, abnormal alt and direct.

That is incorrect. Airbus' flight computers are governed by 4 laws: normal, alternate and direct. You are free to select the mode you want although in a normal situation, the plane is flying in normal law, with all the flight envelope protection active: overspeed protection, aoa protection, bank angle protection, yaw

They had already recovered some bodies shortly after the crash, those were just floating with the debris initially found.

You are getting the new scenery. The game takes place in Turkey.

The whole thing is rotating, so that probably wouldn't do anything. And hurricanes eyes are huge. So short of a thermonuclear device, I don't see what kind of explosives you where thinking about using. The only way to kill a hurrican is to cut it off from it's power source(heat) and chill it to stop the rotation.

I jello a solid or a hyper viscuous fluid?

It was encrypted. But even if it's encrypted it doesn't mean that the encryption is uncrackable.

Beside the puzzle part, does it have a relationship simulator like in Persona?

What about games? The only remotely interesting games that came out are Pilotwing, SF4 and that's about it. No Mario, no anything so yeah... I don't understand why they are surprised.

Unless it is a free-space format that writes zeros in the memory I don't think a simple format will be enough. That thing can recover deleted files meaning that it completely bypass the MFT and get the raw data off your phone's memory.

Can on the fly encryption be implemented on android?

They said that this wasn't their doing.