
You get an erection because your penis relaxes and allows blood to fill it. You might get an erection slower but at the hand of the day, you will get your great spelunker primed and ready to go.

Why is the modern style so much noisier? I can barely hear the stage music at the beginning...

My intention was not to troll, and I learned something new in the process. Since you seem to be quite informed, I was wondering are all of those naughty DS games released in Japan licensed by Nintendo or can independent developers actually manufacture their own game cartridges?

They bought a Wii, they knew what to expect. Nintendo will never allow an AO game on their platform.

I think the illusive man was contacted by the reaper and offered something that would "benefit" the human race. Remember that the Illusive Man probably wouldn't have any problem wiping out all the other races if that somehow fit with what they think will help humanity.

I remember hearing that the true ending was on the dvd. The suicide one was indeed pretty stupid imho.

The colors don't do anything for me but I don't understand all the hate about this. I know people who would buy something like this because it's different. I would have for example bought the red K-x if I hadn't found a E-PL1 for half the price. Different taste for different people.

Intel manufactures stuff around the world. Like in Malaysia for example.

Yes. As long as the wheel are turning fast enough it won't fall.

Ac doesn't need a dedicated controller. The mechs are too fast paced for that. That kind of thing is better for mech games with walking tanks like Mechwarrior.

If I remember correctly when he got sucked out, the part of his body still in the plane jammed the yoke forward, hence the struggle to keep control of the aircraft.

If you think of it as an alternate universe, you will save yourself a lot of brain cells. At the end of EoE, Shinji basically held the future of the world in his end. I see Rebuild as the outcome of a "what if I could try again and do things differently" type of choice.

If the masks filter required a material that was either rare or not present at all on the planet then they wouldn't have been able to produce enough of them for everyone. The Helgan guy said that they had masks, just no enough to go around....

Why would it be hard? Sony already does it. There is no reason why they wouldn't be able to give you the option of buying all your games digitally and store them in an encrypted format on the 3ds internal memory.

What the musical theme stolen from Inception?Or the GTA IV trailer?

Your reasoning is terribly flawed, I'm afraid. All the example you are basing your argument on are man-made one-off events. This is not the first earthquake in Japan. It is the strongest so far but they have had their share of serious quake. Did the mentality of people change after the Kobe earthquake? Nope. Did we

Rovio is a large studio, they have been making games for Nokia phones since a long time ago. But yes Minecraft was made by a single person.
