
@Jedi924: They were working on a new launcher: Ares. Until our dear president decided to squash that and put everything on commercial launchers which are not 100% ready...

@Spderweb: While I see where you are coming from, your delivery sound a bit too pompous, so I also understand why someone would not take it well.

@Ellomdian: @Ellomdian: Then Iraq wasn't the place to go to after Afghanistan. No offense, there are plenty of countries that are in much worse shape than Iraq was in terms of human right.

@A.Jaswal: That's because they have changed the numbering scheme. The 68xx are supposed to be the equivalent of the 57xx. The 58xx equivalent is not the 69xx series which is not out yet. And yes that decision was dumb.

@Omatic: As an addition to what you just said, when I was working in a computer store, I had several parents that came and asked if we were selling the R4. They knew you could get free games on it but I wonder if they knew about the legality of what they were planning to do....

Bring on the Halo 3, ODST and Reach then.

@Faux Bravo: It burns indefinitely but they do not light a wide area.

Where is the N8?

@db4dbms: Well the guy is partially robotized so I guess he didn't care about being punched through walls. Or he just used force protect.

@daputti: Didn't know that. You learn something new everyday :)

@db4dbms: Any Force adept can absorb Force power thrown at him. How much depends on his skills. And since this is Vader....

@daputti: Bees can only sting once and they die. You got attacked by a wasp.

@JCulp: I personally use a 9800 GT. They are pretty cheap.

@Ethan Allison: Well it stills relies on the main rotor for lift, so it is still a helicopter.

@se7a7n7: The Nokia 3220 had that feature in 2004. It had a row of leds in the back that would display a message in the air when you waved the phone. I don't understand why that function never got popular...

@JCulp: Gigabyte Ga-X58A-U7. And a Nvidia graphics card. The sound will require a bit of work to get working but evrything else works out of the box.

@AllegedHacker: The roof is probably solid steel. Remember that it has to hold the weight of elevator.

@vein11: Every time you re-save the picture, the compression algorithm remove even more data from the file. JPEg compression is not a lossless process. Do it enough times and you end up with more garbage.