
I know exactly 1 person with a Sony Xperia phone. She refuses to get any other brand. Strangely enough, she's an Nintendo fangirl.

A fantasy-themed Saints Row, similar to Borderlands' Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep would be amazing.

5th of never

Thank you for still putting #1 on the list.

I've been waiting all damn day to read this! Kudos for being the other person on the internet who makes sense. I have another point though...nobody wants to see pictures of me naked because I'm not physically attractive. If you are physically attractive, do something drastic (acid, 700 cheeseburgers, etc) to make

Don't you just hate it when a baby goes missing and then it's right there, sitting in your inventory? Gets me every damn time...

Stay old fashioned and make the person you're sending the 'nudies' to wait until they see you in person! If they can't wait then there's a problem with the relationship anyhow...

Now if they'd stop screwing with files then maybe I'd use them. How hard can it be to NOT change the metadata and access times for files. Google and Dropbox (and even the crap that is box.net) seems to handle that fine.

+1 for NASA.

Still waiting on my Homeworld: Cataclysm HD remake..... I know it was Barking Dog, but a man can dream....

My Facebook feed would suggest that lack of anonymity isn't the only solution.

Has anybody forwarded this to Casey Chen yet?

not going to happen when people can hide their real identities. if that information was public most of the people playing would quiet down in a hurry.

If you've used the word "awesome" more than once in the past year, you're probably wrecking the word. The last time I felt actual awe was when I visited King's College Chapel at Cambridge. We need to save "awe" for real stuff like that, and not just, say, a really good cup of coffee.

Fortunately, as I understand it, Gearbox is releasing the HD versions AND the originals.

Why helo thar

You guys aren't allowed to post this article considering most of your headlines...

It sounds so dorky, but once you see it mocked-up and sitting there, it actually looks -

What bothers me is that the new SimCity COULD theoretically have supported larger maps (and why wouldn't it be able to?) .. instead we were lied to. Examples: