
Kotaku Gimp Contest just doesn't sound right.

Just Sayin...

This video has just the right combination of, "I'm such a drone geek", and, "But not such a geek as to make sure the battery is fully charged".

Speaking of this... Can I get Nintendo to stop waking me up in the middle of the night by turning on my Wii U pad to show me NEW MARIO KART 8 DLC!!!

Not to be a downer, but volcanoes are like vampires. They're either sleeping and quiescent and we hardly notice they exist, or they're awake and active and trying to kill everyone within arm's reach.

amazing i shared this video on fb like 15 min ago also im drunk and suprisingly i noticed him saying i lava you which i didn't when sober

who knew

I use my Pebble Steel a lot for the 'Pebble Notes' app. Use it everyday with my job. The battery life is just short of perfect for what I expect from a smart watch. My original Pebble was getting 7+ days, my Steel is getting roughly 4-6 days.

1) I'm in complete agreement that the art is abyssmal. It does look like the artist looked at other material and just copied it using art pencils.

Well technically yes, but we all know it comes from special beer cows.

cough *ahem*

Sorry, but that's ridiculous. All of these, then, are scooters:

I don't understand this mentality. Would you prefer they call it something besides "new" 3DS so it is effectively a new hand held console? Would you have felt the same way if they called the Gamecube the n64-cd? Granted that isn't a fair comparison but I don't consider the Gamecube to be that big of an improvement

Try Fresh Paint.

I get the sneaking suspicion that things will calm down when everyone is back in school next week.

I think that originally came from Gawker's former porn sister site, Fleshbot

that image is pretty much the Gawker mascot for porn articles.

Yup. Still waiting for the announcement though.

HEY!!! You can post GIF now??

This picture keeps coming up, and I want to know why it's so frequently used.