

Well, there you go! Just let ISIS take over and we can solve all of our pollution problems.

The hell? You’re simply selling heat shrink tubing? That’ll do a fat load of good if the cable itself is busted.

Does Sky Rogue have a HUD mode?

That drone endangered the natural lava! Why, if it had fallen, the lava flow would have been redirected, and nature affected. This travesty against nature can not be allowed to continue. BAN DRONES NOW!

On a less sarcastic note, why the reality TV music? The sound of the props with the lava is music enough.

Is it... odd that I do not want to play this because of character design? It’s similar to how I love MMOs, but won’t touch WOW. nothanks.jpg in regards to the character design.

Of course, I’m not saying other people shouldn’t play it or have fun. They should! I’ll just stick with Halo SWAT and PS2. (Planetside 2, not

I haven’t read that, who’s it by?

Nah, Harrington has her evil side too. She just knows how to control it.

I thought it was a gun too! Made me think of Honor Harrington. Wait. This image would more likely be a different, evil character in the series.

What year are you living in? I game and design on my PC. Adobe and Steam work great side by side. I also get to keep a wad of cash by not buying from Apple. (Beautiful hardware, costs three times more than it should.)

Where’s David Weber, Orson Scott Card, or John Ringo?

Not reverse streaming, silly. Windows 10 on Xbox One Steam Box playing Steam games natively.

Also, that expensive memory card.

Also, that expensive memory card.

Xbox One Steam Box?

Not everyone is as upset about it. I’m more upset about the woman’s rights issues in the Middle East and general human rights issues in China than about the lion.

I’d like him to do it again and to timelapse it fully.

Ender’s Shadow isn’t listed. Why isn’t Ender’s Shadow listed?

So, it’s like carbon fiber, but instead of cloth plus two part epoxy, it’s cardboard plus two part epoxy.

Thanks for changing the title image to one a bit less in 'your face'!