
That’s silly logic.

Agreed. China will do what it wants. The only deterrent will be some country that's willing to stand against them.

The UN (Ha. Ha.) says that you can build islands to help defend, but you’re not allowed to use that for a claim.

Right. Return to home.

Bad science, great movie.

Hello person making assumptions. Sure, I didn’t see that part, but my point stands. Computer like precision needs help to survive in the real world. AKA it needs to become more human in some areas, and that passive driving can be dangerous driving. Have you ever seen old ladies drive?

As to your last paragrah, again,

As a Social Conservative, am I at least allowed to not give a damn? I really don’t care. She can do what she wants to her body.

I believe it’s telling the kind of wrecks they get into. A normal person would have run the light.


I’ll do that right away, mom.

Is there a way to block Throb from appearing on the Gizmodo and other feeds? I’m asking in the interest of WorkSafe.

This is the first time the F word has been used correctly in a title.

Read earlier replies!


Kotaku! Ah, Japan. Early morning Kotaku news from Brian is t3h best.

Also: こたく. That’s Kotaku in Hirigana. Let’s skip Katakana, though. (But! If you read Kotaku in their new logo it really reads as KotaGU. The tenten (The parentheses like thing “) changes the Ku to Gu.

Don’t worry! Was Joking. (Well, now that Jesus Diaz is slightly elsewhere, that is ^^)

I really come to Gizmodo for Tech news! It was a joke! Sorry I didn’t make that clear!

Don’t forget about Engadget.com! I used to go there for tech news until I started going to Gizmodo that. Well, now I go to Arstechnica.com for that, come here for clickbate articles, and read Kotaku for real news. But whatever. Its the thought that counts.

Everything is sexist!

Haha. Isn’t it grand? To become inclusive they’ve become exclusive.