
Vote: Facebook.

What, you think I'm kidding?

Public relations folks and the internet has decided that. The practical reality is MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction. With weapons like this, peace and love won't cut it. Treaties only go so far. Wars that span the globe happen once every few hundred years, and these weapons have stopped more wars than they've started.

Way to be on topic!


Consumers in general have been getting tired of so many sales.

Ha! And, for Win7 it's only the pretty start circle.

I'm thinking I'll look at skinning it. Maybe round the squares.

Looking at that Gif it isn't that bad.

Honestly, if it was something with icons I could move around or something I'd like it. But... tiles.

Gosh, why'd you have to go and respond! Now my silly little comment is in front of everyone.

Just kidding. It is funny how the internet gets pissed at people because they do not know what they do.

You're cute.

Does it fill up the whole screen?

Sometimes we rant on the internet to let off steam, not to find rational solutions!

But, when I do upgrade, I'll figure these things out. that and upgrading is a pain, something always goes wrong.

In Windows 8, what does the start key do?

Win 2000 was the best! Ahead of its time.

I haven't installed OS8 yet – see what I did there? – but when I do I'll customize it to my liking. Of course.

But, my point is that I'd have to hack the heck out of it to get it how I'd like it. I also have Win 7 how I like it. It was a nice upgrade from XP. I'm hoping that Win 9 will feel like a nice upgrade, as Win

You lost me at Squares.


I use like five programs total. I just need a place for the programs and a cool image as my wallpaper. I'd like a way to not have to view those silly stupid tiles all the time. Horrible aesthetics.

Japanese Jersey Shore?

It seems like if you've already killed Google+, but still have Gmail, the option isn't there.

Vote: Speakers from each of those systems found at garage sales and thrift stores, spliced together.