
Amazing! The Syrian Army has the capability to run Phishing wobsites!

Honest to God truth: I designed this type of thing in my head about nine years ago. Including the cooling parts. Even the CPU would have been modular. One of the major differences is that the mobo would have been the base, and the conectors would have been stackable. This tower is nice, in my design if a section that

or, "Yes, but I haven't ever used it."

Can you add, "No, but I bought an Arduino."?

: )


But – the artist chose what would be in the image. One could paint a photo-realistic image of something nonexistent.

Apparently you aren't familiar with comedy! Haha. My post is half joke.

Why is he on a boat for this?

I said it before and I'll say it again: that girl who took all the photo of art with her ipad is cool. Good for her.

Giz: "XKCD posted something!" Soon, in the Gizmodo offices: Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v.

Very nice use of the rope location.

Strangely enough last night I was imagining using sound to move things.

$40 IS too much for this, but $10 is too cheap. Personally, I hope for $20.

It's the Ballmer Peak. XKCD outed it.

What's a WiiU?

An attachment for the Wii?

3D print the mold. That would be easier.

Or, even better, 3D print an object and then make a mold from that.
