
I'll take all of your unwanted gifts, except for 'favors' that involve bedrooms.

You're all roses and cheer, aren't you?

He should do the same thing, but with a Ceramic glaze. Then the plates would be usable.

My mouse is my remote, for my computer. Seeing that you guys were asking about those big blocking devices with buttons I last used in the late 90's – I do not own any of them.

When I pull out a TV I own, I switch it to HDMI and plug in the Xbox 306. Then the controller is the 'remote' – in so far as one would play

"If you have the money to spend..."

Eh. I've always skipped this brand, just like I've started to skip Apple. I'd rather have three HD's mirrored than one HD – which I'd only be able to afford one or less, rather than the three with other brands.

Edit: Ah, sorry. I haven't voted in a hive five in a while and didn't realize the rules changed.

TSDRYP. {Too short didn't read your post.}

I may not like IE, but I like the hacks that enable Win7 folks to do the things that are typically only available for the newest OS. (Next, make it work in XP!)

Gizmodo: "Yay! XKCD is modern and up-to-date, so we just need to repost and then we'll get CONTENT! Yay!"

Ew, gross. All your life you have cookies do what to each other? And then you eat them! Hopefully you at least let them finish the act before you go munching on them.

Giz: "Hey, look it's a Friday! That means new content from XKCD. Man, I can't wait for Monday. I'll get to post more content!"

Check out your local natural markets. From the sound of the name, it most likely has fruit pieces in it. You could experiment with mixing different types of teas. Of the lower priced bagged teas, I believe Celestial has the best fruit herbal teas.

Typo! FYI. "Now, he National Transportation Safety Board" > "Now, the National Transportation Safety Board"

Because these were for an advertizing campaign, mostly likely they were either new or cleaned coins. It's the coins in circulation that are rather gross, the ones you're coming in contact with.

I've fixed this problem for a few people. Two part epoxy is magic to those people.

Also, Apple has a new end cord that has some odd security features. If the magnetic end has a wire break, it's much harder to fix.



(Yes, in this case, I believe all caps is necessary.)

Another option, and I've done this before, is to put the cup back together with tape and then re-glaze it. Then, the glaze forms a glue. (For the uninitiated, glazes are a layer of glass over ceramic wares. One dips a bisque – fired and stone-hard – cup into a glaze mixture – a silt like concoction of chemicals

In my art department in college, they've been talking about this. A tea cup gets cracked, and it goes to the servant's quarters. Once it's had gold added, it returns to the hand of the prized guest.

I wish commenters would expand their vocabulary to use more words than just overused to describe their complaint about things. So overused.