
This is more of a general/cheap color sensor, as compared to the Spyder series, eh? The spider shines three LEDs on paper and measure the reflection.

No probs!

I'd advise you to practice your internet sarcasm/trolling. Give a start looking at this thread, where I congratulated someone for their successful sarcasm – where you failed.

Do you know how people joke that no one knows that there is a Wii 2? Well, this guy posted saying how funny an argument between an Xbox

I starred you in hopes that there can also be many comments debunking you.

You bagged around a dozen slow people. Congratulations! You win the internet.

Thank you for this not being another Game of Thrones piece!

So, now that this is a completely new game, are you guys going to do a new review?

I think I'll grab some nylon and make my own.

Eh. I'd go for buying it around $40 and the. $4.00 or so a month, per character. That's my alternative to the ftp model.

Subarashii! That's wonderful! Ha!

I just posted that, word for word, to my facebook.While I await the fallout, most of my facebook friends are trained to see me posting odd things. It's too bad, I really can't troll there much any more because they're used to it.

Every now and then, food is ok. Like, their steak dinner that's once a month. Those people aren't bad.

No, the worse is the people who share the low-rez inspirational quotes... and cross post them to facebook.

The hell?

The .com button should be an option, or a timed thing, or something. I HATED IT. However, about once a week I needed it.

Welcome to heaven, welcome to heaven, welcome to heaven!

It pretty, it's nice; it's been done many times before.

I am hoping that this price cut leads to more devs using the Vita, and more hacks on the device. I'd love to see a hardware adapter for mini-sd. I know that this doesn't exist because of encryption.

On one hand, I'm happy because this is proof that they should do more with Anime in America. On the other hand, I'm afraid they'll mess with encoding groups that translate Anime as it comes out.

Not really, it isn't. That is a matter of objective opinion.

What you mean to say is that I agree with Regan.