
She first gets sucked in, and then thrown out of it by Wanda. So she passes through the Hex twice.

Well, if anything, it makes me look forward to Captain Marvel 2 even more, since that’s where she’ll show up as a superhero ‘officially’.

It surprises me that no one pointed out that we also found out in this episode that Monica is changing due to having gone through the Hex twice (remember Darcy pointing out that she’s changing at a cellular level). This is probably due to both Wanda’s reality bending powers and the fact that they’ve been supercharged

Yes. They had their kids on what was left of Argo City (which is now its own, piece of a planet enclosed in a force field, I guess you would call it?) And Argo City has an artificial red sun, so Supes is depowered there.

The problem is that those are only the most obvious ones that show up in public. After the attack on the Capitol, we have to realize that there are those who look nothing like the ‘Meal Team 6' up there, are either former or active LEO’s or military, and are working against their own government.

What we have in the US is basically unrestrained capitalism. That is, capitalism with no stopgaps to keep corporations from amassing massive wealth at the expense of the rest of the nation, along with removing or minimizing protections to keep them from becoming so predatory that they start destroying lives through

Wonderful tu quoque ‘argument’ there.

I expect that something will end up coming out about Tesla that will send its stock prices tumbling (or will pop the bubble in a spectacular fashion).

Or, the orange POS already had the Resolute desk removed from the Oval Office and sent...somewhere.

To the right, anything they hate (and the words they say about it) should always be covered by the First Amendment. Because they’re special little snowflakes who should have special dispensation to do whatever the fuck they want without consequence (legal or otherwise).

If his parents and the people they’re scamming for money have anything to say about it? Probably not. They’ll find some way to send him to a country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US.

Well, except for the reality that she’s not a conservative.

As I said previously, Zuck is a propagandist. For the right wing, obviously, as we’re seeing more and more that he and his company are actively trying to silence anything coming from the left/liberals/Democrats.

The problem was that they believed Facebook when the argument was made that news media was going to be totally online, full stop. So many news outlets ended up letting their print news fall by the wayside and die, while Facebook ended up screwing them over on the other side.

Trump is a clown. Cotton is the one to be wary of.

It’s also dumb as shit and only gives “Twitter is censoring conservative viewpoints” more fuel, without actually censoring them.

Well, as many have said over the last few months, we can’t use the term ‘avoid it like the plague’ since it’s quite obvious that a lot of humanity will do just the opposite.

The only difference being, if Biden wins, they’ll be going after people not giving a damn about the law. But gawd forbid Trump ends up stealing a win, I expect many of them will be engaging in state-sponsored violence, with the law giving them carte blanche to go after anyone they see as not being ‘American’ enough.

Well, we have Newt Gingrich and his fellow Republicans to thank for the rank stupidity within their party now (and their need to dismantle the US government). It was their defunding and outright firing of experts who used to help the government gauge scientific issues due to being, paraphrasing Gingrich, as a

And worse, once corporations decided it was easier to buy up or steal innovation instead of actually doing it themselves. Why innovate when you can just buy out a smaller company or take it in a hostile takeover?