
The US gave up at being the leader on anything once the business people realized they could milk the government for ‘funding’ and send all of their production systems offshore to pay slave wages (or worse, actual slaves).

People sometimes forget that a young Patricia Tallman was in the film as well.

As much as it pains me to say this, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The Senate could vote on it tomorrow.

They didn’t leave any seats unfilled. McConnell wouldn’t allow any of his nominees to be passed onto the floor for consideration.

Scum sucking trash like yourself would send my parents off to be killed, much like the Soviets would have done to my grandfather in Russia had he not left to come to America.

Pretty sure he’s still drawing new ones, but on his schedule now. So there may be more time in between his strips.

Everything that I read in this story shows that our government is now a more ‘Soviet-style’ of governance. Agencies now how ‘political officers’ within their hierarchy to make sure that everything follows the ‘party line’.

It doesn’t work completely, but it does seem to be filtering a lot out.  The author is working furiously to get it working completely though.

Facebook algorithms pander to the lowest clickbait denominator. They profit from people clicking on batshit posts masquerading as news. People who use facebook believe what they read on there.

They’re the same people who listened to Bruce Springsteen’s “Bon in the USA” or John Melloncamp’s “Pink Houses” and didn’t realize that they sure as hell weren’t talking about Rah-rah America or the American dream.

People also forget (or weren’t taught in school) that even Khrushchev had said in the past that they wouldn’t have to go to war with the US to defeat us, we would destroy ourselves from within.

Pretty sure I just read that FEMA is completely out of fund to deal with disasters.

It’s been like that for decades. They keep doing it because conservative voters keep believing it.

This is the same as if Walmart closed all its stores at the moment the government announced that they would no longer allow its employees to be eligible for welfare payments.

If WWII happened now, we’d be fighting on the side of the Axis powers.

Nope, they’re not better at all.

And that is the biggest reason why there should be a government (a working one, obviously) to be the brake on unrestrained capitalism.

And just for you, dipshit, here is the definition of the Separation of Powers in the US. Please point out there where it states that it ties the hands of the federal government from enacting something like a nationwide mask requirement.

This has absolutely nothing to do with separation of powers, but with the common welfare of the entire nation. In times of emergency (such as a pandemic), the federal government can impose restrictions or procedures that the entire nation should follow.

I could take the time and point out where you’re completely wrong about everything you said. But I think it’s much easier to just say: