
Har-har. When you’re trying to raise twins in a small 1000 square feet apartment and you’re old and fortunate enough to have some savings, you might take the night nurse option. Very pricy and not something we’ll be able to do much longer, but it’s been massively helpful in these early weeks!

I recently picked up an HTC Vive - would be nice to have a beefy badass notebook to use as a portable base for the system. Hard to lug a desktop around, but my next (hopefully zen) build will be in a smaller case.

There are very few chemistries that would allow for complex molecules to form in the absence of water. The only candidate anyone has come up with is liquid ammonia which has some of the same properties - but then you run into serious issues with the cold; ammonia is only liquid at very low temperatures and at that

Yea... not now. Jeez, what is with the debbie downers here? It is still an important find and we don’t know what we will achieve in the future.

Given the current technology of 1990, smartphones would seem insane too. Yet, here we are. The gauge should not be what is done currently. Given that scale, all technological and exploratory advancement seems impossible.

I was curious as to why they even needed a release to say that there’d be an announcement.

Won’t is different from can’t.

Amazing. While the distance isn’t far (relative to the universe overall), this is still amazing news.

Funny, but untrue. Americans’ higher death rate is more expensive than if our citizens lived longer lives. Dying is expensive, especially in the USA. A huge amount of our medical costs go into the last 6 months of our citizens’ lives. Medical treatment for heart disease, cancer, and the other maladies that Americans


I would think the acceptance of Ms. Marvel in Saudi Arabia depends less on where she is from and more which muslim denomination she is. I don’t know if Ms. Marvel is Shia or Sunni, and I don’t remember which one S.A. is. But if they aren’t tge same, their might be problems.

To be honest I’m not really sure what Delta did wrong. I do think in the name of good customer service they should respond, but the guy called the cops not the flight attendants.

Speaking as a devout Catholic (of a left wing bent), Protestants never seem to understand that there’s no principle of general papal infalliability—ordinarily, the Pope is human and highly falliable, making mistakes like any other human. There’s a reason why the Pope has his own confessor and attends weekly

In National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, the Supreme Court ruled the individual mandate was constitutional therefore not illegal

I dont, because its a unmitigated shithole that no one should ever visit or support, so I appreciate them curating the trash heap and posting it here.

As a Canadian I can say....the further north you go, the further south you are. Thank you Canadian redneck for making us proud!

Canada’s in better shape now, but they’re just a year removed from Stephen Harper, muzzling scientists from actually speaking in public about their research without a commissar’s permission - and I’m sorry to see that the US looks to be headed in the same direction.

Such idiocy. If I was a scientist in America, I’d look an opportunity to jump ship to Canada for four years, and if I was in the Canadian government, I’d try to poach as many American scientists as possible in the same window. It may not show in the bottom line of the Republicans’ backers immediately, but the long

GOP only want the “science” results they paid for...

Childfree by choice and loving it.