
This right here. If you ever though Tom Brady wasnt an asshole and a prick, this is all the evidence you need that he is. Hes literally complaining because everyone has a voice now

It’s a damn shame that society has come to the point where we’re expected to listen to women when they accuse men of sexual assault. And even when the men are really good at football!

Honestly I think this is just internet people being overly salty and sensitive, as usual.

Gotta say I’ve been enjoying the free games giveaways, this one certainly caught me off-guard.

Worth mentioning that the three Lego Batman games , and three of the Arkham Batman games are free on the Epic store ( yes, yes I know)this week.

Red Dead 2 gave me the push to finally buy a PS4. I got the bundle, meaning I had the disks. Between installation and updates, I didn’t even get to play the night I brought it home.

A big part of the problem is esports ambitions I think. I was very nearly completely turned off Overwatch because I played casually and updates that were intended to destroy a meta used by 1% of players were making things woefully unfun for the other 99%. However, people were getting upset at the stupid League so the

I think an additional point to this article - and the one that gets my goat - is that companies are now able to ship broken games knowing they can have a day 1 patch to fix it.

The bug fixing updates aren’t the problem.  It’s the ones that alter the game you bought into a completely different experience.  

My desktop has no icons. And even if it did have icons, I definitely wouldn’t want 24+ game icons cluttering it up.

Apparently you haven’t played a lot of FPS.

Some people (like me) like their desktops to be completely empty of icons.

Yeah, I think it’s definitely the worst bioshock but I don’t consider it bad.   

(cites no place with actual free cheeseburgers)

Your password must contain one capital letter, one lowercase letter, one symbol and one prime value of a quadratic polynomial.  Also you must change your password every thirty days, twice during a full moon, or whenever a real estate agent crosses your path.

Why did you put “consumers” in quotes? Consumers are the very people who are complaining.

Oh...Good...because we can never have enough launchers. Can’t wait for the day I have to enter my email and password several times to use my toaster.

As a developer, everything about this worries me. It sounds eerily similar to mobile development’s race to the bottom and we all know how that ended: A glutted market full of often low-quality experiences churned out by imitator studios. I’m fine with offering low cost enjoyable gaming experiences, but I worry about

It should be criminal to sell an Ipad 32GB 2018 model, which I did the mistake for purchasing it :( There’s barely space for anything. It sucks because apple arcade seems really nice so I guess I have to upgrade my Ipad!

You said it. Looks like he’s got a frigging mustache....