
Your experience sounds sadly familiar to one of mine. I worked for an agency (child welfare agency w/over 400 employees) who performed adoptions (I’m a social worker). While I was there, they changed their paid time off policy so that basically anyone adopting would be unable to save their time off to use for an

I have two boys and a girl— my girl is the youngest and she’s 3. She has informed everyone that she has a penis, much to the annoyance of her pedantic, 5 year old middle brother. She got really upset at the fact that she did not have one. I told her she has a vagina and she told me that was ridiculous.

You’re seriously asking me why people use social media to share their lives with friends and family? If that’s too difficult a concept for you to grasp, I don’t think I can explain it to you.

Uhmmm I think the idea of bracelets that synchronize with music sounds like an AWESOME idea, even without them saving lives. I want one.

By the same token, I don’t understand why people think pictures of children are something shameful that need to hidden away. The world doesn’t need to see the great majority of pictures posted on Facebook, and most people don’t choose whether or not to post photos of themselves, their families, and their lives on

That kid is so cute it’s not fair. Her blonde hair blue eye combo is like perfection. Not only that, her suit is completely appropriate. That hand on hip pose is pure sassy-pants behavior. I bet she takes dance class or something, because that's a totally normal pose for young kids...cause it's easy. Puh-leeeaze...

When they vote to spend $415,000 to update an video game used for Army recruiting, a project already $25 million over budget, $46,000 for a snow mobile competition in Michigan and $856,000 to train mountain lions to walk on treadmills, it certainly shows where their priorities lie. The money is there, they just didn’t

Michelle Duggar is bound in way worse ways than feet.

I work in higher Ed and during my recent pregnancy my employer constantly threatened me. First they wanted me to take the semester off (with no pay no health insurance). When I declined- they tried to say I could only take 2 weeks off, even after having qualified for FMLA. Then when I took 6 weeks off, they tried to

Why, it’s almost as if this “United Bible Fellowship Ministries” would prefer that their employees get abortions, since they’re so dead set against pregnancy. How.... Christian of them?

If you lived through Reagan’s last term I think you do worry about the age of the candidates, but at 67 it’s not as though Hillary is doddering around.

Like most conservatives, her views become liberal once the issue actually affects her. So, if she or a close relative/friend was molested as a child, she’ll probably rake them over the coals. If she has no experience with it then she’ll welcome them with open arms.

Maryland resident since before he was in office. I can’t speak for his time as mayor in Baltimore, but I loved him as governor. The improvements he made in schools has been fantastic. People bitch and bitch about the “rain tax” he implemented, but it was a pretty important environmental protection for the Chesapeake.

What “Sanders treatment” are you referring to? The valid discussion of stuff he’s written about sexuality?

Fuck fundamentalism. Doesn’t matter what flavor.

1. One of the most frequent reasons I fly with my kids is to get specialized medical treatment for my 4 year old daughter, who has a congenital leg malformation. In fact, we are taking a four hour flight (with my 10 month old son, too!) tomorrow so that she can have surgery where they will break her leg, insert rods

At least they’re not giving the Alaskan judge a lifetime achievement award like they’re considering for the Montana judge.

Very odd that every Hairpin writer that migrated over to Jezebel has seemingly lost her mind and become really nasty and defensive.

This is totally a sidebar, but as a professional nanny, I would be super appreciative if you would not purposefully give the impression that it is “easy” and “not a real job”. It is difficult to be taken seriously and treated as a professional in this industry. I am not a teenager keeping someone’s children alive

But how many pop stars are actually underdogs or didn’t have wealth before starting their career? Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, who else?