Arthur Digby Sellers

The Raiders have also agreed to be this season's goldfish, but only because you can flush their season down the toilet after two weeks.

Outstanding. +1

The $10 still makes it more valuable than the "Rex and Rob Gas Company" which the Ryan brothers started after a memorable Thanksgiving feast.

Another depressing story involving Heinz's breakdown and euthanasia can be found in John Kerry's diary in the chapter "Hopes and Dreams".


When asked what happened on the call, Kulpa just pointed to his daughter Mia.

Walt Disney was so committed to his craft that he decided to enjoy his afterlife in suspended animation.

Good stuff today, very interesting. I look forward to reading the book.

Neither team wants to claim me.

Interesting, but I have seen the drawbacks of steroids like the gynecamastia, acne, and inability to get a hit in October so I am going to recommend that my son not take them despite the obvious gains.

Would you attribute bigger and stronger athletes today more to genetics or superior training, diet, etc? Is there a wall that athletes will hit where they become too big or will we see 320lb linebackers and 400lb linemen?

Tice's day got even better when Matt Millen offered him $2,000,000 for the winning ticket.

Awwwww, so scrappy.

In the post game press conference, long-time Boulders general manager Bill Sisyphus said "I'm sure we will get'em next year."

When Weiner was asked why he had been so unresponsive and closed up about the case for the last 6 months, he claimed that he was just in a refractory period.

The ass can still be found under center.

Coincidentally, women call having a gigantic asshole a "Fred Smoot".


They later shot and killed Mark Eaton during s'mores time thinking he was Sasquatch.

Even worse was the Deuce Off promo for Astros v Marlins.