
I hope you are never burdened with the prosecution of a parent for beating their closeted homosexual child to death.

The article specifically mentions that many of these dumpster divings occurred on private property and, in some cases, locked dumpsters. They were able to break into them because the trash company used a generic lock/key and it was easily broken into.

I had the same issue trying to find a doctor for my father. My dad in his rage filled, nonsensical libertarian way, refused to buy insurance because blah blah blah (he had the money). Point is, he turned 65, got Medicare, and rather than me mocking his inconsistency, I was happy he had insurance finally.

Every time I think it is impossible that Donald Trump could be elected President, I remember we elected this jebroni and I weep tears of blood.

Well, I think my dog deserves more praise from my roommates when he doesn’t shit on the kitchen floor. What say you to that, Jason Recher?

We use locked bins that go straight to a commercial shredder.

Check your privelege. My identity was stolen by a raccoon and I'm still paying off the credit cards that little furry bastard took out in my name. Their nimble little hands are very good for faking signatures and even copying handwriting.

When the dumpsters are located on private property and/or are in lock areas, it automatically becomes illegal the second a person accesses that property without authority.

This is my favorite part, “sensitive documents were placed in the common trash where any person or animal poking through garbage could easily find and uncover such personal and confidential paperwork.

Have you seen After Tiller? It completely changed my perspective on late-term abortions. I still find them disturbing but I understand the need for them in the U.S. When you have to save up and drive across 3 states to get an abortion, it can take a while.

I work in a building with a lot of lawyers and every couple months a floater working with housekeeping will throw out the BLUE BINS that have signs on them saying "do not throw out, for shredding". It definitely happens any time poorly-supervised workers are involved.

Because it was committed by a white man?

*pounds on the side of the invisible box Anna is trapped in*

They wouldn’t be bound by HIPAA, because they have no privity with the patients, and yes, usually illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible. However, there’s nothing illegal about digging around in trash on the street, weirdly enough, even if it is in a locked dumpster. Mind boggling to me, but true.

I don’t know, but if I was Planned Parenthood, or any other facility that performs abortions, I might do what we do here at my office.

i would so donate money so they could either

Why didn’t I go to professional mime school

Anti-Abortion Activists Climb Into Trash, Realize They’re Finally Home