Angry Wasp

Once Alice in Wonderland crossed a billion worldwide that insured they’d never stop giving him a chance to do it again.


Since Batman is older, a Robin is dead (probably Jason), and James Gordon is dead (rumored) there is probably a good chance she is either:

“I jus’ came t’ Gotham from my native home in Unglun, Ungle Al-Ferd”

Waterboy is good for a few chuckles. And Kathy Bates is really funny in it. In fact, the whole cast is pretty great.

I will defend 50 First Dates until the day I die. I think it’s an incredibly sweet movie, and I cry at the end every time. It’s the only Sandler film I own.

I saw the Wedding Singer and for a brief time had a little hope.

He gave all the proof anyone would need in those transcripts that came out. I think anyone still defending him either is trolling or knows but doesn’t care.

It does take a lot of guts. But then the trolls will say “they’re doing it for money/attention, and this is proof!” Sigh. As a survivor of sexual abuse/rape myself, it amazes me the kinds of mental gymnastics people will go through to discredit victims.

It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

Sex tapes of celebrities published without their permission? No thanks!

Goodbye integrity, hello authoritarian-sanctioned blockbuster.

Ok, we need an MJ impersonator to dub all of Jar Jar’s lines STAT. Can’t be worse, right?

Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Rod Serling. For both his work and the opportunities he gave to other writers to be discovered.

This is my absolute favorite thing about Mormonism, and it’s why they’re gonna be so much more chill when we find aliens.

Did Mitt Romney ever summon the essence of a time-dislodged fire energy alien to help him get petty revenge on a New Orleans born baseball-loving religious figure? I mean, he probably did, but I couldn’t find it on his wikipedia page.

Mitt Romney?

I have an exclusive photograph of her opponent in the upcoming election.

Suggestion for daily 10: 10 Science Fiction Novels You've All Read (And Why You Will Never Admit It).