Angry Wasp

Constitution party.

Yeah that was my first thought. Lets be honest its true. The furries will have flodded the results for the movie on google with porn by the time its released.

While he was an awesome actor, always able to make his scenes in movies amazing, no matter how bad the film was (See Alice in Wonderland).

Your right about Gays, but he did believe in a equal society, albeit one where all people aspired for a white picket fence and women kept themselves in the home. While I know that time was not a great period don’t overly deconstruct it.

Really why wouldn’t Obama do anything for Korea?

Waterloo wasn’t a turning point, Aspern was a turning point. Waterloo was the end of Napoleon.

No Flash jokes?

Hopefully thats next season.

The only thing is House would never want to be fully in charge and thats how the sith role.

I worked there for two years, and thats bullshit.

How about humanely treat the employees.

Take that back!

Really its not bad, its just sucks from how they built it up. I would have liked Olivers relationship with her to be normal.

Bringing out the brain bleech again.

I do like they thy ended the series on a happy note.

Yeah this is a extreme heating that would take over half a millennia to occur.

Yeah I see we got ourselves a white supremacist troll here people.

And most hauntingly, a twelve-year-old girl from District 11. She has dark brown skin and eyes, but other than that, she’s very like Prim in size and demeanor.