Angry Wasp

I mean if its just self advertisement, I can go with that, as long as its not ridiculous. HBO does the same.

Or Katrina Law.

Hailee would have been creepy being that I think she is underage.

Or Chloe Bennet.

You see everyone now you made the Sisko mad.

They could have gone with Chloe Bennet (Mom is chinese) then who is at least partially known.

Its more like someone flipping the table if a Russian was playing say Lech Walesa

GO watch Marco Polo now and you’ll find a plethora of appropriate actresses.

Rue was black in the book you ignorant shit.

His Christianity is really skin deep when one considers he only thinks Whites like himself should receive salvation.

This si quite simple why Martins Books have gotten a pass, because while Martin is a gifted story teller, we as a society like to always assume that a story being dark makes it matter “more” than a lighter story. Martin plays up the darker aspects and people wanting “realism” eat it up. Its the same people who think

Beale must be crying.

Yeah this is bashing the executives, not snyder, not BVS, this is bashing the executives for being idiots, and seriously DC should fire these people and blackball them for the industry if they knew what was good for them.

ITs funny because Wally will be in season 2 of flash.

Sega does what nintendont

Didn’t ILM do most of the work for that movie?

This guy is obviously a sociopath, put him away for life.

Also reminds me of a panned zack snyder film.