Clearly you know nothing, because not only is requisitioning self-sealing stem bolts fun, its not just one form, its three! And they have to be done in triplicate! So its 9x as much joy as you are making it out to be.
Clearly you know nothing, because not only is requisitioning self-sealing stem bolts fun, its not just one form, its three! And they have to be done in triplicate! So its 9x as much joy as you are making it out to be.
God damn EVE is so interesting. I just wish the actual gameplay was more fun than filling out a Starfleet requisition form for self-sealing stem bolts.
Exactly this.
I’m sorry but that’s nonsense. Which papers are you reading? I’m a Londoner and we all accept there are risks to living in a big city (air pollution, crime, poverty, traffic accidents etc). However, there are some key issues to remember before you start mouthing off about ‘failure of multiculturalism’:
Stop reading the tabloids, then? We’ve been dealing with terrorism in the UK since Guy Fawkes and up until 2001, pretty much all of it was was the IRA, so we’ve had no illusions that our sceptered isle was immune to politically-motivated violence. The Daily Mail doesn’t speak for every Brit, ffs.
You are trying way to hard. You’re like a boggle game filled with random Trumpisms.
I am pretty much convinced that right wingers get off on these sorts of terror attacks. They literally derive joy from people being killed, as long as the killer was muslim/non-white.
Mmm, bath salts are tasty.
Ahh, the Sneak Creep. He takes a situation that everybody hates (texting during a movie; and make no mistake, EVERYBODY who isn’t an asshole hates that) and turns it into a Planet Me Diatribe and excuse for abusing and hassling this woman and her sister (CALL THE POLICE). For less than twenty dollars.
No, no, no.
These are the precious, fragile men.... and they hate us.*
I would have personally chosen to call him a “Huge Shithole” in the headline, but I also feel it’s our unique ways of thinking that make Gizmodo Media Group’s diverse portfolio of online platforms so compelling.
I don’t just want the VR experience I want the complete package. I want my father to call me out the blue tell me to get into the VR machine and ignore me the entire time. Bonus points if he wears glasses and stares at the screen with his hands under his chin while watching.
Because blood is thicker than water? And that’s because oil and water don’t mix because oil once cheated on water with olives.
But Kellyanne Conway *is* ugly. To her core, where it counts.
(chuckle) Most of my childhood was watching my 6'2" Amazonian Mom fight the telecommunications industry in the late 70's when they were firing all Switchboard operators, without offering them other jobs... Because line crew work was Man’s work. (GTE Equality Class action suit, look it up) Her take for over a Decade…
Seems like they are saying that being a good person has been transformed into a pastiche of talking points and following the right people on twitter. Society purports to vilify “bad guys” and lift up “good guys” and because the media we interact with is necessarily shallow, we are shallow as well in our ideas about…
This is what being shallow gets you. You accept the appearance of people, or their projection of “eligible”, “progressive”, etc. at face value. After all of this time and progress, society is just run a full lap around peace, and now we are stuck back in the darkness. Somehow, being a good person has been commoditized…