Andy Sheehan, StreetsideStig

Wait, isn’t Mitsubishi a massively successful bank and electronics manufacturer? Maybe they could just rally for fun and brand relevance.

And it will be a great loss when they succeed (further out than 15 years).

They should give it a real engine because real engines are awesome. If it comes down to head over heart, you’re missing out.

No, it makes sense for small, boutique companies to make loud, obnoxious, awesome ICE cars while the masses plod on with their uniform EVs, because the majority of people don’t even like to drive. Most would rather be driven. Only a relative few of us still care about the driving experience, and boutique manufacturers

Obviously. But the whole car won’t happen, so as long as we’re dreaming...

I wish I had this on my Protege. The engine ground runs INSIDE the fender before it’s bolted down. Gonna take me more than two seconds to check that. Awesome idea, this.

Is this another “what color is the dress?” situation? Because I just see two of the same slushbox BMW.

Ooh, another electric “homage” from people whose entire experience of a car is looking at it. Thrilling.

Which is why they should give it a real engine instead of this E-garbage.

The Miata was supposed to be the holdout, the last new car worth buying when everything else had slipped heavily over the edge of electro-conformity. So we’ll usher out the Car Enthusiast Era with some melted Civic and a brand-diluted Mustang? Cars are going to end like the Indiana Jones series.

Anybody else not a fan of the big wheels? I’m going to miss those marshmallow tires. 

Two more years until I have to look at that disaster for the rest of my life.

NO ONE expects my references! 

Astute observation.



Too late. We shall chop off your hands as punishment.

Can’t believe this wasn’t mentioned in the article.

I can’t really picture a world in which Hamilton doesn’t get a say. Even with Mercedes. He’s a championship factory.

Solid prediction.