Andrea Jerkstore

Probs because they’re reporting on her comments and fashion. They aren’t reporting on her music in those particular articles because she’s more than just a singer. They probably assume that you know who she is and that if you don’t, you’re smart enough to Google it.

I wonder if Google could help you figure it out?

If it weren’t for your fans, you wouldn’t have the plaque in the first place, lil jackass.

There was no fingerbanging. Sheesh.

I don’t think most people truly understand how scary it is and how violated you feel when someone does what he did. It’s happened to me 3 different times and each time, it made me sick to my stomach. The part in One Mississippi based on Louis’ behavior captured it very well. I had to turn away from the TV. Fuck Louis

I live in Oregon and my mother is in prison in Texas. Video calls are very important to us. 

Text Pistols...ahahaha!!

NEVER group text!! Anyone who sends me that shit is dead to me.

It is, actually.

I was at a rooftop party and I slipped and fell backwards through a skylight and landed in the bathroom of a couple who were in bed watching a movie.

In the 90's, a white guy with dreads sent one of his scraggly dreads to me with a love letter. Still grosses me out to this day.

Please please let them live forever!

I live in Portland and have eaten teriyaki chicken at many places and all of them came with macaroni salad.

*hypercritical not hypocritical

Why do rich & famous people always seems have dogs that go to the bathroom everywhere? Why aren’t they house trained? They can afford training. So weird to me. Fine, Amber's dog has a health problem, so put a diaper on it like you're supposed to.

They like to do this in federal prisons, as well. Dope them up to keep them quiet and sleepy. This practice nearly killed my mother. I can’t even imagine the horrible ways it effects children. Fucked up!!

People have been trying to make stupid denim boots a thing since the 70's. They need to let it go, already.

Personally I am WAY OVER this giant shirt or jacket as a dress thing. I think it looks like crap, even when Rhianna does it.

I was shocked to read that hes only 20. He looks at least 35.


I have blonde eyelashes. I love mascara more than I love myself. I will never say goodbye to mascara!