America's Wang

Yup...I pretty much have to agree. If that’s the guidance you’re going to have at that age about what’s cute to do your fellow human than you’re fucking are we all.

Great screen name.

I thought the Auschwitz re-enactment was cute. This is simply adorable. shouldn’t get a forum based on a wholly established brand and generally meticulously crafted universe just to ignore at best, and shit on at worst, the most canonical facets of said brand.

Wow—you must be the most gracious person on the Internet ;) You’re very welcome/thank you.

If the writers aren’t given a specific temporal setting they can hackneyedly have all sorts of things coinciding with each other that take place seaparated by a few hundred years in the Prime timeline. The degree to which that might appeal to the dilettantes will be far outweighed by how much it pisses off the true

So basically give it carte blanche to shit on any canon and continuty an order of magnitude more than the JJ-verse does?

Set it mainly in the Mirror Universe and have the protagonist be Bearded Spock’s protégé who’s trying to carry on his legacy of revolutionary democratic reform after his mentor inevitably falls to assasination. While the Tantalus device has been mysteriously usurped in the wake of Spock’s death, he has painstakenly

And that’s despite our continuing to call then “the Freedom.”

That’s speciesist.

You’re thinking of Hannah and Her Sisters.

I was flabbergasted to find out the other day that the much storied transparent Aluminum from Star Trek IV has actually become a reality. Too bad retrofitting the ISS with it is an impossibility.

ReplaceMENT!!! Dammit that pisses me off ;)

War rocks!

Dead on with the small exception that it wasn’t a strom trooper but just a run of the mill imperial sailor.

What surprises me is that scientists are surprised that liquid water would boil in an atmosphere 1% the density of our own.

Rio 2016, on behalf of America: I’m sorry.

Good points all. You’re probably right.