
You posted the same thing twice. But, only Firefox can save me.

Well, this is the end of Google Chrome, folks. I'll use Firefox from now on.

That's relieving to hear. Too bad there aren't 6 bad cell carriers on this list :/

I expected it to be AT&T. Horrible CSRs and craploads of crapware should be bad.

What about Bell Mobility? Doesn't it deserve a bad wrap?

I prefer the Keurig over everything else. It's smart, it's easy to use and you can make a perfect cup every time. And, if you buy a refillable pod, you're set.

I prefer the Keurig over everything else. It's smart, it's easy to use and you can make a perfect cup every time.

Drip, drip, drip, drip...

Drip, drip, drip, drip...

EDIT-oops. Forgot the logo

Vote:Bell Mobility (Canadian)

If you have a dumbphone, then there's no reason to get a case. You should really buy a case if you have a smartphone. Plus, if your back overheats, get a bumper case.

BB OS and iOS have crappy marketplaces, too. I don't know how long you've been asleep for (or how many cold ones you had,) but you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

I never said that Android was more secure. EVER. I'm just saying that all of the "secure" operating systems that you mentioned are also battling viruses and malware. I don't know how many cold ones you had for happy hour, but it seems to be screwing up your memory.

It would be great to get only data sans the 100 minutes, because you can buy 200 minutes on textPlus (for $1.99) and use VOiP calling plus internet texting.

Does anyone have any ideas about what to do with an old printer?


The photo you posted has so many fatal flaws:

Lol. Then Colgate should be sued because, when I open the box, I see toothpaste.

How in the world are you supposed to say "judge, I want to patent a shape I learned in geometry class" without sounding like an asshole?

It's strange to see the company behind the first digital camera crashing and burning. Although they clearly had it coming, it's strange to see copycat brands like Sony and Nikon make a killing on stolen ideas. In my opinion, there should be an acquisition of Kodak, and it should solely produce digital camera lenses

I am alsi amused by your tantrums. You keep missing your own point. In the comments section, you said that the Android Market is full of malware, and that is why Abdroid us getting infected. In that case, BB os, iOS and Symbian are also insecure. Do a quick Google search (if you're smart enough to use the internet,)