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    I love telling people after they find out I lived in japan that I hate sushi. They act like I killed their kittens.

    Because they're usually hilariously silly and wrong in their worship about japan? Same reason they amuse me endlessly.

    I try to avoid solicitors for causes I agree with so.....

    Like JAC said, have you checked out a chiropracter? Chiropractic and Massage work very well together so that might be a possibility?

    see that's specialized training.


    "Please don't let this tickle her....Tickling people is so the opposite of helping them relax."

    Ah well, both my computers run windows anyway.

    Precisely. Even if they're not bringing it to school. I can understand compromising for a food allergy, because we really do have to do that, but if it's this severe, the child's safety is at risk having them in such an uncontrolled environment.

    Actually, I'd adore that for my laptop. It's always maximized anyway. How did you do that?

    And this is why I think she shouldn't be in the classroom.

    We never got snacktime when I was a kid.

    You know, I've texted between the two bus runs I have, when I'm stopped and waiting for the kids to get out of school, but seriously? WHILE DRIVING? That's just wrong.

    I'm nearly thirty. (sorry I hate this new system, I can never remember to look for new replies!)

    Go on a retro kick.

    We NEED more songs about being bold and secure. If she's going to start trying to fill the gap all by herself, well.. Keep on doing what you're doing Willow Smith. Not my kind of music, but kids need all the confidence they can get these days.

    I can't wear makeup. I try! If I put it on, I feel like a child putting on play makeup, even if I do a natural look or something like that. I'm not BAD at applying it either. I just don't feel like me.

    Yeah I can shrug and let the composting go, but the Styrofoam makes no sense to me. Why would you do that? Nasty stuff.

    Yeah, I think I'll eat breakfast later.

    Those aren't the right kind of jobs we need created I guess.