
Excuse me, while I go to the bathroom...

Same. Why am I not surprised. And awesome hooter.

So much emotion! There was laughter of sadness! Wait...

Seriously, there's room for barrels, sacks, and some rope, and like no people. Once you got inside there was no room to stand up straight, unless you were somehow under five feet tall, which was possible because it's 1620 and tomatoes weren't a Thing yet. Oh, and because tomatoes weren't a Thing yet, everyone got

Have you ever been spiked in a race? I mean right in the back of the calf? I have more scars on my legs from running cross country then I would have gotten from football or basketball. Soccer is really the only sport that I think is on par with XC. But if you want to talk about a real sport, let's talk Rugby...

I'm going to go watch that episode again.

Especially when they put on the glasses. Oooh aaahhh

It was just the eyes that showed. Right when the Tardis' came into the atmosphere with all the other Drs. He said "Make that 13."

Loved it. Everybody just seemed to mesh very well. Tennant and Smith especially. Really liked towards the end when the 13th showed up. Caught me off guard, but put the biggest smile on my face.

I think it looks slick. They really aren't that bad of a car once you get in one and drive it. I was pleasantly surprised with the comfort and features that it had. The design sorta grows on you...

I think it looks slick. They really aren't that bad of a car once you get in one and drive it. I was pleasantly surprised with the comfort and features that it had. The design sorta grows on you...

And people say we monkey around,
But we're too busy singing

Agreed, I think gorgeous is term I would use.

It's not The Stig, but it is The Stig's Rich Germanic Cousin!

The term Gaudy comes to mind when looking at some of these...

I believe I heard the Nismo GT-R will be just shy of $200,000. So there's that...

First thing that came to mind. ^

Indianapolis got their hopes up, but the only thing we got was the lousy rain. No tornado here. Guess they are to good for the Nap town.

Nom Nom Nom Nom

Probably couldn't drive a stick.